Monday, 10 March 2025

 ....and what's new this monday evening, dazzlenation?...well, a childhood nickname for rodway had been 'the heffalump'...and yes, your olyfaunts are all reminding me somewhat of her doleful expressions...i was then struck by the oddest thing - the fact that she had told me that she had started her periods at 16 years old - whilst at tudor grange senior school....hmmm...given that she was 3/4 years older, at the time - whilst posing as much younger.....well, this one is for AI - what can you do with it?....although it is probably covering up something far more serious....i.e. after she had started them - she was in so much pain that her doctor prescribed her the strongest pain-killer out..."i was in agony" etc etc...sylvia was to say that she shouldn't have been prescribed that drug - it was only normally handed out to car-crash victims in A&E etc etc...what sort of a 'car-crash' event was rodway, eh?....go figure:

oh and i've also got an update from the CID - regarding macklin's residence upon marine parade....apparently the neighbours had complained of the smell....never a good locked doors upstairs....they opened the first....a pile of rotting fish upon the floor....hmmm....naturally, macklin would have been too indolent to do anything about it and so he had just locked the door....the second door....well, you've guessed it...a body was found....and who had been behind it all?...not macklin - as far as i can see...because he had been 'jumped' by rodway 'n' gill up it goes, eh?

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