Sunday, 16 March 2025

 ....and what's new this sunday evening, dazzlenation?...well, remember that tard robert cipolla mark II?....came from haut-de-la-garenne....turned out to be a soviet tard from a high-ranking jooish family......"incel" replies BI online....well, yes - apart from forcing those like myself to do his exams for him...he had also asked whalley to arrange a date...i refused politely....whalley then told me that she felt sorry for him - she then relayed on the message that he had told her that he had been hoping that i had been at my lowest ebb and therefore might have accepted a date with him i.e. in relation to being used and abused by rodway 'n' gill....remember that maths A/O paper that edwards had made me do to then write in cipolla's name at the top of it...oh and i had refused point-blank to do his A' level maths paper at sixth-form college.....later on, rimington's daughter 'nicola parry' approached me "my mother would like you to know that he failed his maths A' level" etc etc....didn't stop that cambridge college from accepting him, though - did it? of his prospective tutors was to comment to him afterwards"you were just having a bad day?" regarding that exam...later on they were to make him a professor of maths - almost unbelievably etc short, they were to laugh it all off...."buller's set".....isn't it all so disgusting?...anyway, cipolla's students were to find him out...they were to humiliate him in public....dressed him down for being a 'tard-on-the-make'...who really really, couldn't do the maths or anything else for that of them had even described him as skulking around college corridors....rather like a roving TV another satanic predatory 'machine-u-don't-like'....on-the-DOS etc etc....anyway, now that potsy's sky program has well and truly come down...we'll see less of those, in future....more laughter...go figure:

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