Sunday, 9 March 2025

 .....and what's new this sunday evening, dazzlenation?...oh, lots of terrible things....that i was to remember about etc etc....although your funny cartoon - somehow puts it all into longer a 'hidden' horror etc short, i can remember gill et al - at the old hall in solihull...telling me that rodway had had nothing and so the 'red car' present - meant for me - was to go to her...."along with everything else she could steal" replies BI gets worse...i can remember avoiding capture by rodway et al....behind those flats opposite to the rodway family home...i ended up spraining my ankle after jumping from a then get a lift to the ramsey/houghton practice....really good luck to find a good samaritan who knew their address in shirley....for rodway et al to turn up there, later overhear jenny ramsey telling rodway that it would be difficult to replace me upon the system...."i just want to be her!" etc can but guess just how difficult for maggy-u-don' so we're back to that NWO system - upon the computers at the old hall, solihull...which the 'brave new world' team at the houghton surgery, knew all about and only too well....remember dr ramsey had escorted me back from a childhood MI5 exam - in which rodway had cheated.....her father had arranged it all....ramsey was furious with the examiner...."there is no longer honour amongst thieves!" etc etc...and yet, later on - she was kowtowing to that tard and her father....both self-admitted satanists who had decided to claim to be 'jooish' problems there according to the sephardim who tended to worship 'fecal' rather than 'dark' matter - according to gill - remember him setting up one of their 'rites' in jacqui carroll's bathroom - totnes flat....oh and if we're going to throw everything into the mix....why not add that 'sir mills' had claimed to be of welsh descent - whilst expanding his 'king arthur/roundtable' program....a welsh patriot, in fact..."nationalist"....and upon the note of corruption in MI5...."the whole of british intelligence"...well, they were putting the most severely brain-damaged into MI6....hmmm....if we bring 'that one' up to date....we have the masons furious with mossad....and that is because having brain-damaged their kids...."no update available"....yes, remember robert webb and that simplistic analog(ue) system...whereby he could get an A in ancient history A' level...that system no longer works....however, the mossad is offering their expertise and services in care for 'learning disability' children/adults....remember that centre in ein kerem?....if you've got the money, i don't doubt that it is an excellent service etc etc....and what else?...well, we have the civil service....remember boris johnson's wife-to-be at warwick?...symonds was studying drama, for heaven's sake - more of a 'britney spears' than etc etc...another cipolla job i.e. somebody else sat the civil service exam for her...'nigel' was giving a leg-up the system, to anybody who could pay etc etc.....and so naturally i welcome the following news....although dona was to tell me the other day - that this labour government is going to send everybody on DLA (disability living allowance) back to, that can't be true - can it?...although it might be, if reeves is still in charge....anyway, much better to get rid of 'tardforce' in top-paying jobs...such as in the civil service....remember those tards who were paid to stay away...who all earned a pretty penny at the erstwhile central office of information...better to pay them not to work rather than to have them muck everything up etc etc had been the thinking, at the time....and so they all stayed their big country houses etc etc...go figure:

additionally, we have 'philippa rawlinson' looking more like MI6 tard 'pippa morton' than herself, let us say....reminding me of the prague rothschild's horror - regarding brain-damaged kids and the mossad's response to it all...."i'm covered in flowers!...all i've got left is flowers!"....remember in tard-world....'flowers' means drugs and drugging....dorothy going to sleep in a meadow of flowers...wizard of oz time etc etc....go figure:

oh and the above brings to mind something really ghastly - according to the relation to toby macklin at that marine parade 'pink house' with the palm and lamps....but no further information as to what had been so 'ghastly' as yet....anyway, they had picked up find out that he was receiving a large amount of money from the civil service....and yet it was difficult to understand why he was being paid when he didn't appear to be doing any work at it goes, eh?...."the analog(ue) system"...well, that worked quite simply....the chip cut out the brain - as in normal human consciousness....the 'robot' then wrote out the three answers - it had been programmed to do....the 'ancient history' teacher in charge of the experiment was to assure robert et al...that the same three questions appeared upon every paper....and so having identified those questions...they had to does one put it...."trance out" and let the chip do its work....additionally, 'ancient history' was marked in a simplistic way, in those days...a tick for every correct date - regarding the punic wars etc etc...a heavy test of memory, more than anything else - and that is what the chip had been loaded up with - every fact and associated date..."it didn't matter what order you put them" - for 3 questions that turned up every time....and so the robot just rattled them all off and got a straight 'A'...ingabot and RH were then kitted out with something more sophisticated....remember gill dubbing that chip 'google-in-the-head'...although ingabot never quite got the hang of it...would read out the first search result, regardless of etc, i would rather use google upon my computer rather than have a chip that interfered with my creative processes, let us say....oh and i don't have migraines either - regarding disobeying orders sent to chip....poor rosalind wonder she became a heroin addict...forcibly chipped up with what mark r had called a 3-pin-plug or was it 4 etc etc...anyway, remember obama's relationship to mark r and 'amadeus' as the 'rook'?...go figure.

'analogue'...the brainchild of those at that old solihull hall:

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