Monday, 3 March 2025

 ...and what happened this morning - dazlenation?...a missed call....turns out it is nothing more than continued harassment from tardville...oh and needless to state they haven't paid a penny back, nor a public apology etc etc - dazzlenation....better lift up your eyes to the skies - to see what happens yes, i was to watch upon the networks, as a certain communications tower went up a storm etc etc...oh and the telegraph advises etc etc...not that tardville will listen....satanic robos aren't capable of independent working brains etc etc....go figure:,statistics%20on%20the%20benefits%20system.

why they have to ring up the individual is a mystery to me, to check up on what benefits are being paid out - they should be able to trust reeves at the DWP - her database surely includes all payments out....but what if it doesn't?....they are paying you the benefit - they should know how much they are paying you...i've had enough letters from them - stating how much they are paying me over the makes sense, right?...that is why it is either pure harassment or somebody figures that the figures don't add up at the DWP.....there must be a shortfall at the DWP and of course, reeves should go, as a consequence....and straight to jail, i might add - don't pass go and don't collect £200 etc etc....go figure:

and all i have to do is to sit back and laugh - as the plague rats cavort around me and for my amusement, as far as i am concerned....i am so very sick to death of this all....the humiliation and debasement is all about them and their filthy behaviour - not me.....i'm 62 years old and i've seen it all.....naturally - snivelling little plague rats are a disgusting spectacle...but they're not allowed to bite - particularly not at the job for the update upon thursday march 6th regarding the following 9am appointment ...for a blow-by-blow account of just-who-dares-to-show-their-face etc etc....go figure:

let us hope that 'val' is part of a larger network - out to catch the likes of reeves and not in the biznez of harassing vulnerable your bets,

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