Monday, 3 March 2025

.....and what else, dazzlenation?...well, BI online are calling it a bit of a 'burning bush' is why to cut a long story short - macron had had to jump hard - up and down upon that retardé superman, let us say....because cranking him up, won't work....more laughter...."broken robot" replies BI online....oh and a note to whalley about the 'red fan' and 'mr frosty' it goes, eh?....anyway, reeves had been hoping to program for younger, in brittany - see previous posts regarding the last location to be outed etc etc...i very much doubt that plan will now go ahead 😄....anyway, more radio files from this morning - marines....go figure:

oh and there's a bit more to whalley might well remember...regarding a crossword clue, let us's a drink - 'to bar vice ring' (7, 6) a sidelong at 'javel'...or the "javel-in" as rimington was to conclude:

and yes, that's a rather blurred pic of the white fan, in this

on one foot, eh - whalley?...with jean mari:

"bad victor" rimington had don't think that you can get that type of drink in paris....i could be wrong...never thought of ordering it...oh you can...i stand corrected....have you guessed yet - dazzlenation?...'britvic orange':

oh and i can add a bit more as a reminder to sue....who had been in charge of the desk and so the whole operation would have stood or fallen regarding whether she had made a mistake or not....such a difficult number - she would have been forgiven if she had made quite a few...but didn't make one, as it turned, the robo-cipolla number that i had previously mentioned was because younger had put him in to pester and distract....having been forewarned - she was to divert his calls upon a phoneset with lots of different coloured lights to the right....she had to press 'green' as soon as he rang - in order to team him up with a 'chatbot'...naturally, he couldn't tell the difference....being a 'robo' himself....more laughter....anyway, the room had been large, light and airy, overlooking etc etc....oh and as i was to joke to rimington later - referring to that MI5 russian course 1980, in jerusalem - remember the biro writing upon the wooden cupboard? all ends up in a french banque...regarding macron's deal with plague rats etc etc..."quite an eiffel" replies BI, remember shana in shanghai 2003....she had been absolutely adamant that it had been french joos behind it all (presumably having met enough of them - seeing as her husband worked for etc etc and yes, she had gone to quite a few bashes, in paris as well as shanghai)...but would younger listen etc it goes, eh?

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