....and what's new this friday evening, dazzlenation?...well, apparently you can play netflix games on pc if you're using 'beta' but i haven't found any upon the netflix site as yet....they all appear to be for mobiles only....anyway, having done a 'beta games' search....i was presented with the following....the info excerpt was of a circus master with 'false teeth'....lol...reminded me somewhat of toddy....anyway, the opening looks a bit like teletubbies-gone-wrong....something like that....'the amazing digital circus' anybody?....remember mark r 'n' hulbrusch with that BBC 'raw' library max 'n' lara number etc etc...go figure:
i mean - what is going on here?....more laughter....a semiotic-read-the-signs nightmare!....anyway, if those like daldry had wanted an overview, let us say...this appears to be 'it':
of course, you could cross-reference it with what daldry had left as a clue....dressed up as a kellog's cornflakes 'chicken'....with his face to the corner of a cellar wall....in front of my MI5 russian course 'green team' - 1980..."i am the devil" he was to titter in what appeared to be a young 'jack horner' child alter....the devil cock, eh?....we asked what his problem was - nervously...he referred to the bricks upon the cellar floor...."it's the bricks!...it's the bricks!" etc etc....old bricks with cement still attached...strewn around the floor...upstairs were the SAS with their 'brick' phones, as they used to call them....oh and if you'd like a compare and contrast - dazzlenation....check out 'adolescence' upon netflix.....quite a few 'billy eliot' references in there, let us say....brick phones - the bane of lisa's life.....remember that 'muvver' cartoon expose?
anyway, dazzlenation....i can see you'd wanted a reminder of this netflix cartoon series....if only regarding the swearing etc etc....go figure:
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