.....and so to recap, dazzlenation...we've taken the very long way around, this evening....to end up on somebody who has disappeared...is that right?...and for what it's worth...the programming had involved a large anteater and a green double-decker bus...within an A.I. environment that resembled a children's playground/zoo.....london-based....lol....see previous post....go figure:
and we've already covered what happened to rodway.....hmmm...begins to make me wonder if....oh i see...petrol nell had said "i'll play her" as in 'little dorrit':
and what else?....well, more radio files - marines....i had been expecting 2 but got 3.....remember 'library linda' had been run by petrol nell.....clacton library and an 'A' for obama's team in the sky...lol.....anyway, the first one is for that BIT london address...and the second?..."whitehall" replies BI online...and the third is mark r's london house with the 'cartoon green monster' wallpaper..."sephardic rabbi"...well, yes - obama had been programmed as 'that'...and mark r had once dressed up as such upon CIA langley campus - regarding 'caecum' programmming/chipping...something that he had been horrified to find out, later on...whoever-it-was had taken him over completely and run him like a zombie etc etc...hmmm...and regarding that mir-and-A alliance...."fallen through"....lol...hence what had happened to rodway etc etc....go figure:
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