Saturday, 1 January 2011

I had a quick run through this one - liver cancer? A PROMETHEUS reference?

"He had once quipped that he wanted his headstone to bear the words "I told you I was ill."He was buried at St Thomas's Church cemetery in Winchelsea, East Sussex, but the Chichester Diocese refused to allow this epitaph.[38] A compromise was reached with the Irish translation, "Dúirt mé leat go raibh mé breoite", and additionally in English, "Love, light, peace"."

I told you I was illuminati programmed?

The English verse reminded me of something almost immediately...two things...firstly that in ill cult speak - PEACE means PEAS means eating babies.

I then remembered my brother as a young boy...about 8 years old...making HELEN BROWNE laugh her head off...whilst he pretended to go into what he called a 'food trance'...saying beatifically:


fisson chips and 'peas'/peace...if you could sum up the ill cult - that is what it is all about.


Oh yes, and I forgot MEET THE SPARTANS contains the face of an actress howling BITTIE...BITTIE upon the face of the uber-transformer ROBOT that 'PUTIN' has is a Scottish pronunciation of I can now remember...TODDY and co had pulled that actress out (because she looks slightly like her - MI5 uber-mouse) to do that role...crying for her own 'uber ill cult family' which was about to get wiped out. I said to TODDY at the time - she doesn't look like her at all...but TODDY figured that they didn't have time to find a better substitute...she would do...the face appears upon my 'name search' on GOOGLE IMAGES.

See also that famous duo of recent years and the BITTIE sketch...where the full-grown man is calling for a TIT to suck...your TITS...your main programmers.

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