Sunday 30 January 2011

Yesterday, I forgot to mention that a PRINCESS ANNE lookalike was made to stand outside of TRAVELODGE…I remember saying at the time - she’s not a good lookalike is she? The woman had a horsey face but blonde hair, tied back and looked as if she was in her mid-twenties…but COLLIE dismissed that one…so you couldn’t find anybody better at short notice?

Anyway, today at M&S I had the CHERRY lookalike behind me…looking very glum.


I also remembered being shown GILL’s supposedly dead body from GREEN TOWER by COLLIE and my French child cuddling him and saying ‘he’s only sleeping’ and COLLIE thought ‘poor child - she’s lost her mind’…

At a subterranean level, GILL was thinking ‘crazy bitch - she’s almost blown my cover again’…


I also remembered PRINCE WILLIAM wanted to befriend his GREY RABBIT again by telling me that he was run by a cabal of GAY MAN called LE COQ…’conference of queers’…of which DALDRY and ELTON JOHN were members (all gay men, basically - or in ‘gay mode‘ upon that board)…they had chosen KATE MIDDLETON to be his wife and that was that…

This wasn’t actually true at all - they were simply his courtiers…he had the real power - not them….but he figured that telling me that, would keep the CIA LAB off his back for long enough…playing for time.


The remaining ill are dismayed by what is happening in Egypt…they can ‘sense’ the beginning of their end…

I know that this will not endanger the Arab network if I say this - they asked me for a future analysis of events to come and I showed them the outcomes…if the Arab world came out against the ill first, they would win and end up with about 50% of the world’s power…but the ‘body count’ would be terrible…the ill would target them first…and their indigenous cultures would suffer horribly…I showed them the cemeteries of the future and the sadness…the teaching of the history…the negative impact upon Arabic culture as a whole…

On the other hand…if they let the other countries go first…they would end up with 30% of the power in this world…and Arabic culture is a proud one…it is easier to be proud with dignity when you have the power to back it up…so I can see why they chose to go this way.

Power - at a political level is one thing… but one also has to consider the personal level….I have been accused of being ‘proud’ throughout my life…a common accusation…yet I have never sought power over others, position over others…even refused it…but then I suppose I am a bit of a ‘wet fish’…it never appealed. I wasn’t good at it.

Without the power of COLETTE and MOSHE DAYAN’s Arabic network at my disposal…I would have been nothing and nobody…SCARLETT had targeted those like me…those unlike himself in character…those who didn’t crave power over others…I would guess that ROZ was similar…an independent mind that wanted to be free…


Today I found myself upon the promenade…and saw the SCARLET door left out for me…and then the ALFRESCO restaurant…and realised that I was now at the PAS mind control FOOD COURT…

I remembered how HELEN RODWAY had gone to the Birmingham College of Food to do a diploma (as it was called in the early 1980s) and you might think that a person with her intelligence, would have aimed ‘higher’…but what she learnt there…well, you can see that FOOD PROGRAMMING was the mainstay of ill cult programming…and what she must have learnt there…is probably more important than anything that the rest of us discovered, at that age and beyond…the CHEMICALS put into foods (international bodies which governed this)…the way that the ill program with food and the SKULL LIONS…the cookery staff…the TASCHMANN baker boys…the microchipping of packaged food (see previous notes in relation to M&S outing that one with their ‘Indian style’ soups - meaning ‘MITTALS were ‘Indian style‘ but not really - all Satanic BEKS who had created quarries to throw their dead Indian mind control slaves into…Arthur Abbas had been one of this Satanic BEK group).

Yes we can talk about the poisoning of the WATER…and the AIR by chemical trails…but what about the FOOD that we eat, upon a daily basis?

…and in order for us all to heal…first it was ‘an inch a larder’…next it was GM CROPS upon a wider perspective…the soil, the land…the proper way to farm…to grow crops, vegetables, animal ‘husbandry’ as it used to be called, in relation to breeding cattle…an odd term eh…’animal husbandry’…were did that one come from…it just came up but I cannot remember from where…what a very curious term - and an historical one.

Anyway, I saw the various programming objects put out by SONIA and IRISH MARK’s rebel group around the building called the FOOD COURT upon the promenade…and realised that BUCKINGHAM PALACE could have had that one, as an alternative title…in relation to the FOOD programming going on - and from the fish fingers, chips, tomato sauce and baked beans - of most of our childhoods…

Yes the BRICKS behind the BOARD…represent the BANKERS holed up behind their BOARD OF ill cult GOVERNORS…but what does that strange silvery CAN mean, outside of the WHITE DOOR…within the leaves?

I then labelled the photo file that I have just downloaded from my camera…of images I took around CLACTON today as ‘l l a h d o o f’…

You see MARK R had figured upon targeting file names upon this computer…so I have had to remember what he wanted them named as…then name them as something else…

MARK R was a looking glass creature…and oddly enough…one place that he ‘couldn’t go’ was the title he wanted to see ‘written backwards’…yes really.

So FOODHALL…which he wanted to see…in order to scan my laptop computer, with his internet program and to destroy it…

I typed it in as LLLAH…thought about it…remembered…then typed in DOOF…

I then remembered MARK R and MCDONALD programming SEV and his mates…remember LOOFAH programming…this was linked in with ‘loofah doofah allah lala’ programming…

All part of MARK R’s satanic prayer mat programming for his SABBATEAN BEKS.

The Arab network would like to strongly point out that this is nothing to do with real Islam or Muslim worship…and they do NOT condone any person who is part of this network (they kill them)…

So if you are unsure about your ‘radical conversion’ to TOMLINSON’s network…think twice…in fact more than twice…think a lot until you have ‘got it’.

Your life is in the balance until you have ‘thought enough’ about it.

…and that of your family, adds the MOB.


I wondered why MCDONALD and SC didn’t bomb that CR castle…now it is obvious…they wanted to trace all calls out of it - given the ‘emergency’….to ‘clear up’ that ill cult network…was it ICTS…another linked body…with strong links to ICTS…and a more deadly one.

Yes US citizenship was more important to the pair of them - than ill cult ‘we all speak Hebrew’ satanic CHABAD orthodoxy.

This is all about ID…as the sociologists/social workers of SCARLETT’s rebel group had discerned…it doesn’t matter about ‘whether a person’s allegiance to a group is true or not in terms of DNA, hereditary evidence etc’…it matters how much they emotionally and psychologically relate to a given group.

Ill cult CUCKOOS were forced to relate to a ‘given group’ to be then run by that ill cult group as experimental mind control slaves.

I got lucky…I got introduced to MOSHE DAYAN who…let us say this…resonated more with Arabic culture than with Ashkenazim jooish culture….and he was despairing of the ARAB JOOS - the SEPHARDIM of his army organisation… of trying to teach the ARAB JOOS that eating babies/people was WRONG - it didn‘t do you any good at all - he would bellow at them ‘drumming his chest‘ - he was entirely healthy - he could remote-view, he could understand the most complicated chemistry/physics whatever as well as all of the crazy RABBINICAL TEXTS…they just didn’t get it…not at all…and he didn’t understand why not.

I would guess that it all came down to microchipping.

MOSHE DAYAN was running a rebel group.

He was a ‘Jesuit’ - one of the MI6 ORDER.

He hadn’t been microchipped up to the gums, like the SEPHARDIM (lucky enough to be a ‘general‘ and of no fixed ‘religion‘ let us say).

The SEPHARDIM had become controlled robots by the ill.

The SEPHARDIM had then instituted the practice of ‘removal of all teeth’ before you are 30 years old , within the SEPHARDIM (like the BRITISH NORTHERN WORKING CLASSES also did - you see where real ‘intelligence’ lay, within communities, eh? The Northerners were rather like the Sephardim)- to ensure that the ill CIA couldn’t kill you off, before 30 years old upon their FREEDOM TRAIN.

It didn’t work - the ill found out and they then began to microchip their gums…but a lot of people survived past the age of 40 years old…to tell their tale…and that is what is important.


PRINCE WILLIAM and his ‘cohorts of demons’ have been a little complacent…CAMERON is now saying down the tannoy to his slave networks that the ENGLISH are a passive race and always have been…we would never have a revolution in this country…we are not like the FRENCH…those hot-headed individuals…who ‘saw off’ a MONARCHY of the SUN-KING…or those ‘disgusting people’ who ‘saw off’ a RUSSIAN MONARCHY to only institute far worse as their leaders…a load of money grabbing JOOS who have screwed the country, ever since…(until PUTIN got in there, of course- a cat amongst EVIL MICE - he hated joos…and GEORGE BUSH/CONDOLEEZA RICE and the CIA LAB…destroyed the ill cult major paramilitary bases in Russia - the space station lift and people-controller satellites).

Of course, that much is true…the English, do not want to destroy our national character…we like to discuss and to see things coolly…to act when we know the full facts…

The ARAB world had the ‘big picture’ far earlier…and they acted upon it, far earlier.

They are the best remote-viewers.

I am wrong to say that it will be a ‘domino effect’ because that is talking like ITALIAN MAFIA…but what is now happening in Arab countries…will happen in the rest of the world.

The ill cult is falling.

Do not do what MARK R urges…and retire to a ‘primitive makeshift tent’ in an unknown part of the jungle…and pretend that you are a HOPI. You are not. You would never be received into their spiritual midst. They guard their circles and genetic heritage closely.

That is akin to OSTRICH ill cult programming - burrowing your head in the sand…each person within the Western world has to take on their own governments and to fight them…verbally, by letters, by court cases, by emails, by demonstrations…everything possible….within a non-violent way…and if that doesn’t work…well, as the ARABS say…it is ‘the way of fire’ after that one.

Yes, I had carefully negotiated the ‘song’ upon that DAVID ICKE headlines video…what do you want to intimate…and I was told…’the way of fire’ if all else fails.

I did not grow up in an Arab society…I wasn’t brought up to know these things…but I ‘knew’ enough to follow the guiding light of COLETTE.

All I can say is this…upon the video….I have never seen MEN look more like MEN in my life…not robots…REAL MEN…fighting for what they believed in…and what I have always fought for…real people, real men and women, leading real lives…and not as ill cult ROBOTS…such as you see, in the CITY…costumed robots….in grey and black business suits, hair gel and make-up, plastic people…too frightened to say what they really think or feel, if they can even remember what they really ‘think and feel’…..and most of them cannot, says MR D’AJANI…’that is the pity of them’.

ROBOTS lost…in world which gives them CHERRY articles - about how ‘not to offend your man - 12 types’…and ‘what men find least attractive in a woman 12 types’….

CAROLINE and myself, always laughed at that type of thing…we both ‘knew’ it was rubbish…a man likes you because you ‘care’…

…and not because you are locked into some stupid dating/marriage crap…

You care about another human being…they trust you…that simple…you cannot fake caring…although the ill cult taught their slaves to do it…most people ‘know’ instinctively whether or not another person ‘cares’ or not…

HELEN RODWAY ‘cared’ a lot and about so many people….I always loved her for it…

A gift, in a way…to be able to ‘care’ about others and not in an ill cult ‘put on’ type of way…as so many ill cult GAY GUYS were taught to do e.g. ‘how are you today? How are you REALLY feeling? No, tell me what’s really bothering you…’ - rather like a gay hairdresser…so many of them acted in this way…just to get information off FEMALE ill cult slaves, in order to control them. POSH SPICE - your hairdressers did that to you - remember the FIRST ONE?

He was ROBOT. He had not a ‘caring bone’ in his body.

He was reporting back to the ill.

So that they could get ‘leverage’ upon your emotional spots - rather like a car…your BLIND SPOTS.

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