Monday 31 January 2011

Yesterday, I was cycling down ELLIS ROAD in my large ORANGE puffer jacket...when I saw an old man in a GREY TWEED CAP in an expensive GREEN car...he was waiting to cross the crossroads from the left...but he wasn't looking right at all...and I knew that he hadn't seen me...and that he would pull out in front of me...

Curiously enough a support POLICE person was walking up the road and watching the scene...and an AMBULANCE was waiting upon the other side of the crossroads...

As I got closer to the GREEN CAR I slowed down and then had to stop as he pulled out in front of me...I had to stop in the middle of the crossroads...the POLICE woman took a photo of this mad fool in his car...she whipped her mobile phone I watched him narrowly avoid hitting the ambulance upon the other side of the crossroads...the old man looked like PRINCE PHILIP...

...and that is when I knew that this 13TH ONE ill cult game was at an end...this had been the PRINCE PHILIP his GREEN car...

...and then I remembered what the SAS had really clinch the end of the Satanic power of the ill in this country.


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