Saturday, 1 January 2011

Worse was to come after that film was made...ROZ confided in JANE MILLIGAN that she would die soon...because she had stepped on ROCKEFELLER toes and told her that I had been in the same boat - not allowed to marry him...the stupid woman then began to rant that I was to blame...that I was the one that she feared the most...another woman's jealousy...she then informed PRINCE WILLIAM that I was trying to kill her...

So naturally I was furious with ROZ...I could see her tangled web of emotions...she had never viewed me as a 'friend' but as a rival...although she could 'do' friend and a variety of relations to myself, as the occasion demanded...however, she had fancied this RED QUEEN and had therefore forewarned her of what MARK R was going to do and put me onto a 'death list' because of it (lust was more important than 'friendship in adversity' to ROZ - she was never that 'bright')...end of any trust put into ROZ after that one...I told RIMINGTON all about it...she understood immediately - and advised me to tag ROZ immediately - which i then did.

I could see that ROZ had a 'thing' about RED QUEENS...such as JO SMITH for example...maybe it was the 'power' thing...anyway, RIMINGTON checked out that 'subterannean channel' and sorted it out.

RIMINGTON was a RED QUEEN but she was fighting the system for all she was worth by that point...trying to get free of and recover from the ill cult...those like JANE MILLIGAN were a waste of space...el zombos in the system...

RED QUEENS - good or bad? It has to be said that after I had got JO SMITH and ROZ to a hotel in the nearest town from her cottage...she was far more useful as a rebel than ROZ depends upon the person...

When I look at the RED QUEEN system now...I wonder if it is related to having murdered one of your parents? There seems to be a direct correlation.

This all goes back to a demonic interpretation of the old testament...the ill cult demanded a sacrifice of the first born child - as SATAN. It is notable in the old testament that G-d does not enforce it - it is simply a test of obedience. In the ill cult it is a rite of passage - the child is murdered.

I would guess that the murder of your own parent upon command - is a similar ill cult test of a slave's obedience.

SPIKE MILLIGAN was sick but he didn't want to die...we remote-viewed it all...JANE sobbed and howled...telling us that it was an 'act of euthanasia' wasn't...he had asked her not to do it...and just before she did...told her that he hoped that G-d would look kindly upon her soul...for the evil act that she was going to perform...

I get it now...that 'large woman in the library' the other day...was she a 'stand-in' for JANE? I would guess that she was...not a very good lookalike...but the same type of 'presence'...unusual looks to imitate...

Therefore the fact that JANE murdered her own father...and then tried to 'gain stardom' posthumously, off his back with that wonder we all felt 'sick' having to do it...yet, ROZ had felt sorry for her...and that made it all so much worse.

RIMINGTON traced it all back to TOMLINSON...JANE was one of his slaves...he liked his women slaves 'big 'n' beefy'...

Why was I put on a death list after what ROZ had done? I was a WHITE PAWN and in that evil chess don't stand a chance 'in collision' with a RED QUEEN.

ROZ' connection to TOMLINSON was always 'suspect'...and so in the end, I couldn't trust anybody but myself...and oddly enough...RIMINGTON was the most reliable person upon the CRAZY COMPANY...

The ALLO ALLO TEAM were far better than the CRAZY COMPANY as a whole...I was 'in the wrong camp' in many ways...I didn't understand GERMAN for a start off...

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