Monday 31 January 2011

Somebody handed me a Nefertiti ‘beauty services’ flyer this morning…coded?

I would guess so…it brings up so many things:

NEFERTITI programming ( as well as all other associated programming at the TEMPLAR CASTLE e.g. sons of PHAROAH aka PRINCE PHILIP as in TUTANKHAMEN (all templars became ‘tutankhamens‘ ‘two tank car men‘…’king tut’ of the RA CULT…and SPHINX programming ie. RIMINGTON half-buried in the sand pit and so on)…

PAT ANDREW with her sphinx-like eye make-up…


…not to mention their HAIRDRESSING/BEAUTY SALON at the TEMPLAR CASTLE and I would guess that this is all about beatty rather than beauty…


That leads me to a very ‘strange affair’ that COLETTE’s group had set up…for me to view in the future…

This is what happened (but let me set the context first):

I was in M&S in Solihull…either teens or twenties…difficult to say…

SUE WHALLEY had once told me about how she ‘borrowed clothes for the weekend’ to get a refund on the Monday…a practice that the PRINCE OF MONACO wasn’t keen on, he had hoped that people would be fond enough of the clothes to keep them, anyway, that is beside the by…

I wasn’t doing that…I was returning something that didn’t fit…standing in a long queue, at the back of the first floor…(maybe a lot of women had cottoned on to SUE’s idea)…

In fact, even weirder…I seem to remember that during my teens…there weren’t even changing rooms at M&S in Solihull…not on the ground floor, at any rate…where a lot of clothes were on sale…

HELEN RODWAY used to go in there, pick up a basket like a ‘compulsive shopper’ and simply start throwing clothes into it then when it was full…go to the tills…I stopped her once, commenting that she had put two items in of the same thing into her basket (she had many of the ‘same thing’ at home) and that the two items she had put into her basket - one was a size 8 and the other a size 14...and I wasn’t sure if either would fit her properly…

I noted to her boyfriend later on, that she was breathing heavily…glassy-eyed, at the time…as if a panic button had been pressed…and he agreed…that is what happened to HELEN around shops, he had seen it too…no wonder she had run up massive credit card debits in her teenage years…and now I know the reason why - DEBT.

The most unruly, strong characters…who had stood up to the ill cult…were then made to bow down to them through DEBT at the BANKS…and in HELEN’s case it was ‘just about every bank in Solihull’ including a whole slew of ’shop’ cards…all baying for interest and threatening to take her to court, (with the threat of jail etc)…because she had used the ‘free money’ given to you in relation to ‘overdrafts’, loans, credit in every possible form.

HELEN paid off the £1000s of pounds that she owed from those ’mad teenage years’ but let us put it this way:

…a few years of ‘mind control programmed compulsive buying’ in her teenage years, meant that she had to pay at least 10 times the amount back, - over the years which were to turn into DECADES. In fact, in 1998 - she had even worked out the sum total - of how much she had ‘overpaid’ the original debt and it was horrifying.

This was how the ill cult ‘did’ those like HELEN in…and from the 1980s onwards…

She couldn’t help herself in that M&S store and I knew it…she wasn’t even ‘looking’ at what she was throwing into her basket…she looked panicked and terrified…at least you were spared the ‘drug addiction’ HELEN…that is all I can say…HEROIN addicts had it bad…those addicted to ‘human body opiates’ had it the worst…it was a sliding scale of abuse…what could you get a person addicted to and why? How to make them ‘thoroughly ashamed’ of themselves and to feel ‘so much guilt’.

CREDIT CARDS was ‘lite ill cult torture’ in a way…but it was relentless, over the years…it ground people into the ground.

I remember the PRINCES taking a personal interest in HELEN…she was ‘too attractive’ to the opposite sex…so all males in Solihull were told on microchipped tannoy to ignore her…never to ask her out…they did this to so many people…who began to think what was wrong with them…and then when presented with their ‘ill cult mate’ as decided by the powers that be, they accepted readily…grateful to be ‘taken off the shelf’. Luckily she did end up with a ‘good guy’ but one who was too scared to do anything…RIMINGTON used to terrify him into the ground. Some men weren’t scared of her, such as his ‘gay mate’ who hadn’t admitted it and used to give him good advice…this guy hadn’t admitted his sexuality, according to HELEN and MIKE‘s social crowd…until he had shown them a ‘photographic show’ of his photographs around THAILAND to be told by his mates that he was ‘in love’ with and had bedded a young man not a woman…he was outraged…she was a ‘woman’ wasn’t that obvious from the photos…his mates fell about…obviously not. A ‘set-up’ or not? You decide…


I haven’t even got onto COLETTE’s planned ‘event’ yet…although I strongly suspect now, that it wasn’t COLETTE who was involved in this one - it says AMADEUS as in fingerprints, all over it:

I stood in the queue for ages…and eventually an old woman who could hardly walk, looking as if she wasn’t ‘cared for’ at all…made her way to the desk…she pulled out of her old ‘pusher’ one of those long corsets that act as knickers and keep your abdomen in - they go up the body to the chest cave…like bodices…

The till assistant examined it…then told her in front of the entire queue that there was BLOOD on it…in the knicker part and showed her, saying that they couldn‘t accept SOILED GOODS…and that the tag said that it wasn’t M&S…so they couldn’t do a refund…

The SUPERVISOR saw what was going on…the old woman could hardly speak…she simply kept on asking for a refund…

The SUPERVISOR came over and quietly said to the till assistant, words to the effect of ‘give her a refund’…the till assistant did so…and then as the old woman was hobbling off with her stick and ‘pusher’ on wheels…the till assistant asked the SUPERVISOR what she should do with the garment and the supervisor pointed to a bin in a back room, and told her where to put it.

I was deeply surprised by the whole thing…and related it in detail to ED…who was very sympathetic about the whole thing…the old lady was batty….the store representatives had done the right thing…humanity in a shop…an unusual thing. What one would expect of M&S but not other stores…

The old woman had kept on stating that she required £25 for the CORSET….again and again…

…looking back on it now…COLETTE’s group…or AMADEUS had set it all up to mean something, symbolically but what?

I remote-viewed it all…the old woman had found it at the back of one of her cupboards and decided that she wanted to get rid of it…as if it wasn’t even ‘hers’…she didn’t recognise it, upon this side of the mirror but ‘knew’ that it should go back to M&S for some reason…so she had taken it in.

Hence the surreal scene, that I had viewed, in that queue.

MR ICKE has a similar but let us say, less ‘dramatic’ account upon his own website…in his books and in his videoed speeches…of people who ‘cannot and do not care, in authority’…they go by the rulebook and do insane things as a consequence…he cites a woman who wouldn’t let his son, in a queue, use the ‘staff toilet’ because the regulations said that it was only for certain people…even though his young child was dying for a pee…

Yet one can see, that all along…there were people in ‘authority’ who were able to ‘bend the rules’ in relation to doing the HUMANE thing, rather than acting like robots following a rulebook…even though they might have put their jobs on the line for it…or promotion perhaps…. by not precisely following the ‘rulebook’…it all depends upon whether your boss is a NAZI or not - doesn’t it?

As to how you might fare…would the BOSS see what you did as a ‘humane act’ or simply a ‘breaching’ of the petty and arbitrary rule book, even though, it was in order to help somebody who was clearly a ‘vulnerable person’?

If your boss is NAZI…time to change jobs…or that particular ‘regional outfit’…that is all I can say.

I would have done what the till assistant did in those circumstances…stated the rulebook and then asked a superior…you can see why people who are promoted to roles as ‘superiors’ have to have that ‘humanity’ in them…as a vital requisite…in order to ‘bend the rules’ where it is obviously necessary.


Anyway, getting back to BLOOD ON THE ROOFTOPS…I now know what that GENESIS song meant…’blood on the rooftops’ meant blood on your Y FRONTS…or rather the back of them…blood on your knickers and not your period…BLOOD ON THE ROOFTOPS meant ill cult rape…and gang-banging…as children and then throughout your life…in ‘child alters’.

You see the ill cult hung you upside down as children…they taught you to believe that your legs were ‘chimney pots’…and that meant that the ‘rooftops’ were ‘around the genital area’ says TODDY.

The whole upside down HOUSE programming.

DOLL’S HOUSE programming.

A child was made to see their body and their mind as a ‘house’ of many compartments…and children could easily understand that TALMUDDY image, children race around a new house, wanting to find out what every room is about - it is a natural part of growing up…”here is a locked room - where this happened to you - we tortured you into the ground - made you act like this (animal, human character, inanimate object) and made you believe it - we made you PROJECT this to us - we then gave you a code so that we could open this door to that room, later on - we then electrocuted you to take away all conscious memories of the trauma but we knew that given the trigger, from one of us - you would switch into that ‘alter’ as we called it…we then LOCKED the door, so you could never go back there, unless we gave you the ‘trigger‘ to open that locked room - and you then switched into that abused child state in front of your programmers and began to project, through TERROR the projection that they had wanted you to create)…

So the old woman who had discovered…DISH COVERED (HUMPTY DUMPTY -see his ‘rhyme‘)…the bloodied CORSET in the back of one of her wardrobes…and ‘knew’ where to go, knew where to ‘get a refund’ and she got it…


The core of your brain…the CORE of your real self…your real ‘I’…

She wanted her money back after so much abuse throughout her life, as an ill cult slave…and she got it.

Do not forget…the PRINCE OF MONACO was the biological son of COLETTE.
He had loved his ‘real mother’…the one who had brought him up….the one who had cared for him above all others…the PRINCESS OF MONACO…he had loved her with all his heart….and then been told by ill cult programmers that he had ‘murdered her’ by her asking him, to choose a scarf…upon the day of her murder, by the ROCKEFELLERS…and BRITISH ROYALS. It is unforgivable.

She was not to die, in an automobile accident.

Ill cult programmers strangled her - with that very scarf that the small boy had chosen.

The ill had made him feel and think, for most of his life - that he had murdered his mother.

‘As good as’ onlookers were to say…we got witness accounts…from history…those long dead now but even so…a few of the lowest of the low ‘courtiers’ felt sorry for the little boy (plants from the rebel group who were only temporary staff - for a day if that) - those at a distance, the others were all ‘in the know’.

That was his ‘lie-on’.


How did the SOE work in WWII? How did rebels work beforehand? COLETTE had a history of ‘us’…dating back centuries…

As MCDONALD used to say…after so many ‘exploits’…not least GILL and I managing to ‘cut the BEEHIVE from the BOUGH’ which inspired MCDONALD and SC to greater acts of courage…the ROZEMBERK castle for example…

Let us put it this way…past or present…when the SOE is against you…they find a way…

No matter how rich you are…no matter how ‘well-guarded’ your fortress…no matter how deep underground your paramilitary set-up…the SOE find a way…

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