Monday 1 April 2024

 ....and yes, you're still on that 'grainy' effect, here - dazzlenation...let's see what reddit has on 'super grainy' etc etc.....see previous post....go figure:

anyway, as far as i know...this is something around what had happened to paul dews' sight - whilst under the control of the mossad, at dartington...and that is because a little bird tells me that gill used to put drops into his eyes....not unlike the eye drops that i have read about, regarding that MRI brain scan number.....go figure:
oh and there's a little bit more to and contrast....the following MRI scan walkthrough doesn't talk about 'eye drops' whilst etc etc....anyway, i had been told by my optician mr hicks that they would apply the eye drops to both eyes...not just the one that is causing a problem...whereupon i would be as good as 'blind' for so many hours afterwards etc etc...and in retrospect, as far as i can see - mr hicks hadn't distinguished between the OCT scan and the MRI scan...he had simply told me that they would need to do an MRI scan - just in case there had been brain damage - regarding that 'laser pen' injury....see previous notes upon 'all of that' - regarding what moore 'n' crompton had been hoping to do, after completely blinding me, in that hospital dept etc etc...and what else?...well, it has taken a year and my right eye is still partially damaged but at least i can see again...i.e. it healed naturally and i have no reason to doubt that given time, it will heal swiss matthew had said it would do (it took him two years - regarding the same type of injury) - with the right care and treatment etc etc....and what else, dazzlenation?....well, apparently dews had been given something to dilate his pupils.....and so one can only assume that the mossad had been scanning him and for long periods of time etc etc...and yes, i can remember now...asking him about the dilation of his pupils...sometimes back to normal but most of  the time etc etc.....most people put it down to the amount of weed he smoked etc etc...he also had a heart complaint....he told me that his doctor would sort it out.....he then had a heart attack whilst watching caroline hughes' perform her etc etc....had a successful operation and returned to college, apparently none the worse for wear....go figure:

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