Tuesday 30 April 2024

 .....and what's new upon the BBC site, this evening - dazzlenation?...let me see......the police don't appear to think that the following was 'terror-related' or a 'targeted attack'....and so what's left?...hmmm...let's hope that the dividing line between playing video games and then etc etc has not been crossed, eh?....see previous post - regarding 'tardy' comments....go figure:



and having looked into it, a bit more - dazzlenation....times have changed since NASA had first etc etc....i had initially been worried about 'memory-dump' regarding tasers.....rather like stun-guns which would not aid the police in relation to their investigation after shooting etc etc....and then i saw the word 'spooling' and was reminded of sonia fisher contacting me, whilst working at manningham-buller/quasi-collie's set-up in an office block overlooking the entrance to liverpool street station....."they're all spooling!"....those in her office...now, obviously the police hadn't marched in with tasers....this was a british intelligence affair etc etc....lol....she had been talking about the computer system, which ran them....appeared to be pulling them all back in rather than etc etc....go figure:

 "In computing, spooling is a specialized form of multi-programming for the purpose of copying data between different devices."

hmmmm...if the electric shock is such that it can cause a heart-attack then one assumes that it has the same effect as a stun-gun i.e. complete memory-dump which would halt an investigation for a considerable amount of time...until the 'targeted' had regained  their memories of the event...could take a day....5 years...depending upon the severity of the electric shock etc etc....go figure:

EMD anybody?

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