Thursday 11 April 2024

 ....and what's new this friday morning, dazzlenation?...well, something around an answer to a question posed by adam mars-jones, all of those years ago now....and what else?....well, apparently - simon lyons had accompanied him upon a quest to find the tree - near to where 'ray' had apparently had a crash....oh and who had 'ray' been, anyway?...a shortening of a surname perhaps - such as 'gillray' (probably moneyed/aristocratic) 'boxhill' to find out....the yews and the box-sis etc etc...."you tick the boxes" replies BI trees...what about i-sis-yew-sis-box-sis?....oh and winne's mob apparently knew who 'ray' had been - although they weren't telling...the only clue that they were to leave upon the timer system had been the word 'nauseating'....let me guess....nordic-see-8-ing?...anyway, I have a speculation about something entirely different....upon a psychological level...for example, adam talks about 'rhythmic pain'....and seeing as the latest clump to come up...had been all about 'child-birth'...from the MUBI movie 'i am not madame bovary' to etc etc....well, if a mother is suffering from contractions (having not opted for pain relief) then surely her child must be feeling the same, just before birth...hmmmm....rhythmic pain and then you are re-born...tick any boxes? this coming-of-age tale etc etc.....go figure:,+Great+Bookham,+Dorking+RH5+6BB/@51.258972,-0.374278,3a,37.5y,70.2h,65.19t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipMO45EswdyTFxTNd_tbJxLyY63w-LuKvo0ysTTW!2e10!3e11!!7i9728!8i4864!4m7!3m6!1s0x4875ddff6671b161:0x415aa0fcd1359783!8m2!3d51.2588624!4d-0.3741693!10e5!16zL20vMDc0bF94?entry=ttu

additionally, something 'not good' about what peter barefoot had programmed into the system, relating to the whole clump...."master and slave" replies BI relation to the colour purple...used to denote slavery as well as royalty..."computer files"...and well, that would be where 'winnie-the-goth-dominatrix' comes in, wouldn't it etc etc....go figure:
anyway, i can remember associating gillray's prints with polesden lacey....along with peter know what i'm saying...oh and gill had become rather 'confused' at the time - in relation to the novel..."but that happened to me!" he was to exclaim....well, not within the same time frame, let us say:

....and then there's this...remember 'younger' as pitt'?

oh and let us not forget the 'dorking'...door-king...and yes, younger had told mcgowan to "stand there" whilst a certain frequency program was being etc etc:

....and last but not least, i can remember somebody laughing about the game 'mouse-trap', regarding the following:


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