Monday 29 April 2024

 ....and what's new this tuesday morning, dazzlenation?.....well, the following number rang my mobile at 19.25 yesterday evening....hmmm...up to no good, no doubt....go figure:

let me see....anybody wanted a reminder of 'twilio' and regarding the potato-masher drawer? yes, i am immediately reminded of the potato and leek soup, that i had made for mcgowan's fireworks party, in harwich....all of those years ago now....including 'daldry' and lots of 'bucks fizz' let us say - amongst certain 'notable'  guests etc etc...and yes, petrol nell had turned up with a 'ragdoll' that she then proceeded to etc etc....whilst telling mcgowan that i was the real 'wicked witch' of the piece etc etc...whilst daldry was to try to set up a taschmann 'twilio' job for CF, in the frontroom etc etc...and so yes, all in all...the sick 'n' the stupid at work - regarding their 'land of makebelieve' again...desperately trying to maintain their paedo-cannibal cult of class A drug addicts/'men of zion' number....more laughter...oh and not only that but daldry had rung up 'cheryl' to tell her how much he had wanted to be on stage and part of the act - regarding that pop promo video...nobody ever invited him to the really good fun events....but then seeing as he had been in charge of the royal court, at the time - well, you know how it goes:
can you guess which band member, daldry had wanted to play?
anyway, as far as i can remember...he had an allergy to 'nuts'...understandably so....anyway, having done the main bulk of the catering...i was to flag all of the plates with 'no nuts', 'vegan', 'vegetarian' etc etc and upon petrol nell's advice, i might add...and yes, once you'd put the potato masher back into the drawer etc etc....go figure:

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