Tuesday 30 April 2024

 ....and what else, dazzlenation?...something very wrong with O2....look at this....having upgraded to 100GB on sunday....O2 is now telling me the following....apparently i've used about a 1/3 of 150GB in just a few days and not a 1/3 of 100GB since my account was upgraded....anyway, it's absolutely impossible that i could have used that much data.....and so i've sent a complaint in.....quite a few, in point of fact.....anyway, having checked the site - they've got an offer on for 'unlimited' data, which costs £28 and so i've asked if they will honour it - despite the O2 site being 'down' this tuesday evening and the deadline for the deal, being may the 1st...because with 'unlimited' then they will have no excuse for cutting me off, in future etc etc....go figure:


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