Tuesday 16 April 2024

.....and what else, dazzlenation?...well, daldry had wanted a reminder of 'this one', for some reason....lol...found upon a 'primrose hill' search...after i had previously had a look at 'orwell road', harwich....in order to provide the link - regarding 'faded grandeur' - white pillars etc etc to then sit back having, at last, come across - what i had had to dig up again - this evening etc etc....anyway, yet another - who's moving out and 'why' number...hmmm....and in connection to the lennon desk, let us say....go figure:





....hmmm....remember petrol nell and "we are the night"?.....however, it might not be about 'her':


...they're selling the bed, too?...and yes this is all more than a bit 'deja vu':


oh and daldry would most probably be interested in 'wardrobe' - where he had been dressed up in a hospital ward-robe....to get his 're-ward', you understand - if he stepped on anybody's toes etc etc:

...and yes, i can finally remember now...something around pat and her very wealthy boyfriend in 'finance' - whom she was to later on marry....remember that 'onion bed' residence in mistley etc etc.....so let me see..he had eventually sold up in london?


"...the pat-io" he had said, whilst etc etc...hmmm...something around financing winnie's mob - seeing as pat had been strongarmed into being on their network etc etc....go figure:

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