Monday 15 April 2024

 ....and what's new this tuesday morning, dazzlenation?...ah, i remember now...daldry 'n' malcolm had wanted a reminder of the following...firstly that memory aid i.e. 'undivisional' in 'undi-visional' daldry falling about at the word (under)pants?...undi-vision...with a couple of jokes around x-ray-specs and what you can do with them etc etc...along with a reference to rodway's 'gay prostitution' racket (those like CF etc etc) in relation to men of zion as di-men-sion....oh and let's not forget daldry coding in rodway's dad as 'captain underpants'...seeing as he used to act as scarlett's double, now and then - the understudy, you understand....see previous posts upon 'all of that'....go figure:

 "more of a jockstrap" as malcolm was to say at the time....C-IN2 productions, anybody?

oh and there's 'this', too....if you listen to the audio - you might hear something like 'negative-thinking-multi-creativity-bach-show' was to say "that's a bit complicated" to malcolm's reply "that'll do" short, how they'd lost the best mathematician they'd ever had, to US intelligence.....during that time period and involving 'mr singh' at the BC, let us say - 'down below' in that 'warren's shaft' of a building upon narodni ul...not to mention 'up above' at the british foreign office - regarding their meetings at the consulate etc etc...full of 'mad' soviet p/muppets, as far as i could see and that is why i had left....see previous posts:

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