Friday 12 April 2024

 .....and what's new this friday evening, dazzlenation?....well, you might be wanting a reminder of the following or not, as the case maybe....anyway, it is worth pointing out, in adam's case..."look into my eyes and i will find out"...back to the earliest memories....most people's birth memories are hazy and often rather 'grey' and out of focus...probably because of the drugs involved etc etc whereas for adam, he could remember with piercing clarity...when the symbiosis of mother and child as 'one' - changes into two separate entites and then coming into the light etc etc...and therefore finding that experience again of 'rhythmic pain'....well, you know what i'm felt 'right'...oh and there's more...adam had done what sev and i, had done in solihull park...magic mushrooms, as teenagers (just after the MI5 russian course in 1980, had ended)....whereupon you can open a door in your mind....and find out what your SIS programming had been but you wouldn't want to take too many....who knows what might come through from the subconscious - in terms of being able to handle it, emotionally and psychologically - at the time etc etc..."dangerous" replies BI online....yes, i did it once at 17 years old - just to see etc etc...but never again..."bikers know about that sort of thing"...well, sev was certainly a biker....see previous post.....go figure:

 "It is about the death of a star and the mystery has been what lies in the shrouds of dust around what remains," she said.
So although the astronomer detectives do not yet have the smoking gun, of the murder mystery, they do have the smoke from the gun.
oh and winnie's mob had known that 'ray' had ended up a paraplegic after his accident...ended up back within the bosom of a very wealthy short, his death had been faked....and so why the immense cover-up that was to ensue and how come winnie's mob knew about it...probably biking/military links etc etc...."he was shot later on" replies BI online....go figure.

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