Monday 1 April 2024

 ....and let me've just added 'weeds' to your new posts, this evening - dazzlenation:

...whilst i'm still on 'colourful dodos'....CDs for short:

....and the unspoken, let us say - regarding my mix 'n' match below, dazzlenation?....'soliciting' is against the law, in quite a few manningham-buller and her "have you got the time?" - MKultra password, in order to 'wake up' her 'green team' mind control slaves from the MI5 russian course? order to run them for a few 'errands' as rimington used to put it....more laughter....go figure:

oh and regarding 'hate crime' law...upon the face of it, the usual, let us say...the lawyers will get fat, over 'that one'......and off the top of my head - perhaps it would be better to let this tide understanding how women are....and that is because men finding their own inner anima, can only be a good thing....and help to stem the violence towards women and girls....and so perhaps rowling should change her tack, to helping women claim the same rights as men...such as 'equal pay' etc etc....and what else?...well, as i've always said....women dressing up as men - pass unnoticed in the street....they have become 'invisible'...whereas a man dressed up as a woman - tends to elicit negative reactions.....and that is because the masculine is not generally a 'spectacle' in western society - on the streets, let us the way that the feminine tends to be....and that is what should be addressed...'invisibility' vs 'spectacle'...hmmm...there was a 60s cartoon by ralph steadman, which always used to make me private eye's first 'annual' about 'gnitty' it, you have a man and two women walking past him....he is rather nondescript...the only odd thing about him, is that he appears to be wearing a sort of black beanie which looks a bit like a black balaclava put on wrongly i.e. it goes under his chin - plus his depressed expression.....the women are screeching with laughter...."look at him!" etc etc...whilst dressed as ghastly 'peacocks'...a la mod fashion etc etc....go figure.

....and what's new this tuesday morning, dazzlenation?...and yes, i don't normally  tag my next day's post onto the previous day's post but anyway.....needs must, let us say....time to be, look at what's on the timer system....a film that had made whalley laugh a lot - regarding the actress playing the lawyer...."she looks just like my sister!" when young etc etc....oh and what about the 'boss' - a bit of a CF number, before 'face-off'....and the man-to-the-right....a bit 'sue-hall's-brother' - pretending to be the boss-of-it-all in said film....hmmm....and so what did i think overall?....well, i digress....first up - i had met a scarlett lookalike, this morning - exiting that 'grapevine' cafe on rosemary road, whilst saying "it's a nightmare" have no idea what he had been talking about.....anyway, stand-ins, eh?...within this 13th one ill cult game - just 'actors' etc etc...if you had enough 'ready money', you'd be able to bribe them, to tell you what etc etc....something that you cannot do etc etc...but if/when you don't....what can you do with them etc watch 'the maths' programs, that you had prepared, earlier on - more laughter.....kick in to deal with those sick and diseased satanists etc etc.....oh and backtrack to rodway's dad being a 'body-double' for scarlett etc etc.....and who in BI - might sue hall's brother have stood in for?....well it had crossed my mind, at the time - having seen the movie...anyway, whalley will most probably know what's what etc etc....anyway, the most salient point here, is this - lars von trier had obviously got the 'big picture' and had been a genius at making it 'small' - within that movie....a bit like that pisstake of MI5 and their boss 'evans' (whalley used to run his 'desk') - regarding the TV series - 'the office'...and so what had trier known about 'selling england off by the pound' (a 'genesis album' title)...hmmm....something around a recent private eye joke - apparently, everything can be 'sold off' by this government - including police stations (according to mcgowan) - somewhat absurd - you might think....but there you go...all sold off...apart from the daily telegraph, according to the 'eye'....go figure:

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