Wednesday 17 April 2024

 .....and what's new this wednesday morning, dazzlenation?...well, remember younger in contact with 'iko' from mcdonald's CIA japanese team, those that had been taken over by the mossad - regarding their hack upon the warwick system 1996-7 etc etc.....and well, later on - 'iko' had found out that mcdonald had handed her and her friends over to 'moore', at MI6....hence her coding in 'komorebi' firstly: CO as in 'company' then 'more' as in 'moore'...and then BI as in British Intelligence....KOMOREBI....with a secondary reference to physics and 'moebius strips' in relation to what i could 'see' - whereas, those who didn't have that knowledge etc etc.....CO-MOORE-BI.....anyway, US intelligence via 'wim wenders', were to find it all out by using 'brain impression' tapes etc then make a film about a toilet cleaner, entitled 'PERFECT DAYS'...i kid you, remember that canadian ambassador's daughter, who had coded in KOMORK upon her oil painting - at the MI imperial hotel, jaffa gate etc etc....well, 'iko' had been pretty sure....almost certain, in point of fact - that she hadn't been able to remember the whole word...which had been KOMOREBI.....more laughter.....and what else?...well, we also have a hungarian film upon the timer system, entitled 'ON BODY AND SOUL'....and it is all about sonia fisher, let us credits to see a few 'jokes' in the 'postal service' editing suites (shades of that norwegian intelligence 'tomlinson' father christmas spoof) along with 'special effects' which are labelled 'kgb' studios, for example....hmmm....anyway, 'on body and soul' appears to be an answer to that 'toilet cleaner' movie, within a parallel universe, let us say - lol ....a stage in this 'uber-game', let us say....and so what happens next, eh? this stage in the game etc, 'on body and soul' isn't for the faint-hearted....hmmm....daldry always used to tell me to get to the point - "what does it boil down to?"...well, just for 'you', daldry - it boils down to - what your subconscious mind takes in - for example 'I eat meat - i fall in love - i commit suicide' and not necessarily in that order.....more laughter...something along those lines?...having said that - i've given both films 5 stars upon MUBI - simply because they are approaching a 'higher truth' let us say...either that - or 'getting to the bottom of it all' etc etc...oh and yes, 'on body and soul' has a happy resolution, of course....the lovers get off of the dearlove/deer-track 'dream-time-frequency' (a bit like disney 'bambi' - with a nazi project 'paperclip' reference) and find their way back to a real-life 'human' love affair etc etc....which may or may not end 'badly' - up to the viewer to decide etc etc....whereas, toilet cleaner 'uncle'....and well, he's so damn handsome - just like that norwegian postal service 'tomlinson' number...however, he doesn't necessarily meet 'father christmas' (or does he?) and yet, he doesn't appear to be unhappy, by the ending - far from in a 'happy ending' - despite those who have entered his 'field' in order to disrupt it with their somewhat 'selfish' concerns etc etc?...anyway, the structuring absence to 'on body and soul' is the hunter upon the dear/deer-love frequency...and if the two films are talking about two very different aspects and perspectives upon the same subject matter, let us say etc etc.....make your own mind up time etc etc...go figure:


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