....and what's new upon my reddit homepage, dazzlenation?...hmmm....'silver hair'...let me guess...a long john silver pirate reference?....because a little bird tells me that CF had used something similar...in the harwich 'electric palace theatre'....anyway, mcgowan can probably remember what that was all about....something around hematite....haematology.....hema-thai-tee....i.e. getting a grip on 'crappy' at the admiralty etc etc...and yes, i can remember petrol nell saying "it was hematite" to mcgowan and then telling him to find out etc etc....see previous posts....go figure:
anyway, i take it that they were all on 'mars' at the time.....lol....let me see...ah, yes - petrol nell had laughed about marr's desk in operation...."the god of war" etc etc....go figure:
with lord levy's 'blueberries'?...it just gets funnier....remember rimington at his 'blueberry templar castle' event?..."where all your dreams come true" she had once intoned...not to mention the nightmares and years of therapy, necessary afterwards - according to sonia fisher etc etc:
looks like makeup face powder balls, to me:
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