Saturday 20 April 2024

 .....and what's new this saturday morning, dazzlenation?...well, shana lewis and husband (english expat engineer - working for french company in china 2003) had wanted a reminder of the following...seeing as shana had then been demoted at MI6 and ironically - in relation to them not only managing to get those 'forbidden' files out of shanghai jiao tong univ. but also etc short, 'younger' had not been pleased...."the russians had got them" replies BI online.....the files, you mean - jumping the gun, a bit...well, let me backtrack now - his friend 'yuri' on jiao tong campus, had politely asked if he could also etc etc...having shown us the location of etc then etc etc....anyway, once the lewis' were back in the UK, that is (guess how the file transfer operation had worked, let us say - more laughter)....and so anyway - once 'back at home' in london - naturally, shana's husband had then forwarded to 'yuri' his friend..."a likeable chap" etc"he hadn't known that he was a member of russian intelligence"....well, how could anybody know, for definite - an expat makes many friends and from every different nationality, within those multi-nationality expat clubs - whilst 'on a job' etc etc...unless that person happens to be a card-carrying member - who flashes their card etc etc....for example, whilst working in the UK - the pentagon used to issue me with an FBI card...circumvented the need to apply for a UK driving licence, for example (something that I have always been denied upon the british royal 'system')...even though i used to have....and for so many decades....a US one, along with an international driving licence.....although, one has to say that relatively recently - due to the damage down to my eyes, by moore's sick 'n' stupid RA cult/mossad assets/acolytes (yes, not only my right eye) - driving is no longer possible, not to mention etc etc....anyway, the following 'short' film is all about shu-chen-chen....who had puzzled BI (at a private viewing) - regarding the following vision of hongkong, in the night-time....and in retrospect, i suppose that it becomes only too obvious, now....what she had been driving at but unable to state, explicitly etc etc...and yes, given the context of the whole clump, that was to come up - recently.....remember MI6 assets and their 'cyclist-box-MI6-cabbies' number?....well, juxtapose that to shu-chen-chen's realisation that the japanese and their more 'natural' take, on things....remember komorebi?..."had a better idea of what was going on"....than who?...."prince edward's tortoises".....more laughter...robo-tort-us-is - imported from the R.O.C...and so, let me see...we're left with an expat cat, flicking its tail - at the end of the whole saga....not a good sign for some.....regarding the sick 'n' the stupid slave-driving elite - still at work, in this country - let us say...not to mention, in hongkong and elsewhere.....see previous post....go figure:

...oh and malcolm had said "i've got it!" but nobody else apparently, during that BI private showing, as far as i can remember.....malcolm - the only person, to have vocally stated etc any rate...the rest were either silent or 'angry' at etc etc regarding their, remember shu-chen-chen's 'deal' with quasi-collie, etc etc?.....and so, there was a bit more to it than that, wasn't there? implied criticism let us say...and of 'so much' etc etc....go figure:

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