Monday 22 April 2024

 ....and what's new this monday morning, dazzlenation?...well, "wake me up, when it's all over" - prince edward had told etc etc....whilst leaving his wife in charge of etc etc once he had 'woken up', that is....and guess what she has woken up to?..."every platform down" replies BI previous notes upon 'all of that'....anyway, what page are you on, dazzlenation? - let me see....ah, you're still on the 'bunny-tinnitus-line' whilst i'm on etc etc.....oh and no apology in sight and not a penny of my money back....and so to cut a long story short, that is 'why' - things are just going to get worse and worse for the 'tards', until they etc etc....additionally, 'lynne' from the CID had once said (and whilst in blackheath 'on a job' for them), "wouldn't it have been more dreadful if you had been the same blood type?" in 'O' and negative (rhesus factor) as oscar and sylvia you really think that i care about 'that', relation to all of those 'tardy' apes upon that BI colonial system - attacking me and over so many decades and allowed to do so by prince phillip's system i.e. every sick 'n' stupid idea, to hurt and harm me - has now rebounded and blighted their pig-ignorant rotting 'potato-head' brains - slaves of the monarchy - fitted with so many chips - knitted to their spines and nervous system etc etc...affecting those who had agreed to be unquestioningly obedient to the british relation to most if not all of their 'working brain' extracted from the skull, over the years (the reason why those with 'working brains' left BI and in their droves) - to leave the 'chips' to do the work....and what did that leave?....those in the same condition as sonia fisher...'crack whores' i.e.  juvenile deliquents - wanting...well, what sonia fisher had wanted and into her 60s, i might add - one of the british royals' favourite 'dolls' in their 'house-of-dolls' - within their sick 'n' stupid king charles 'chuckie doll' collection...well, she had wanted just 'sex' and 'crack' - nothing more and from her late 20s onwards - until she was over 60...isn't that a little 'juvenile'?....remember helen browne and her 'sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll' i.e. "i never want to live past 40" and she didn't - burnt alive within a ritual masonic etc etc...and that's why i marvel at 'fisher' - still going 'strong' as a 'crack whore' - one of the british royal family' 'favourites' etc etc.....viz laughes about it all - sonia and 'daz' "break the door down" along with their pisstake of mcgowan et al "mr fix-it" etc etc....and yes, what can the british army/police do about any of it but to supply viz with more 'jokes' considering the fact that prince andrew and his gambling addiciton has bankrupted the british army etc etc.....more brief, you have a certain 'peace of mind' outside of it - along with a certain pleasure in watching as that 'house of cards' as well as etc it goes, eh?


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