Sunday 28 April 2024

 .....and what else, dazzlenation?....well, i still haven't heard anything back from my siblings - who are supposed to be organising the funeral/cremation of sylvia etc etc seeing as i had been informed of her demise upon tuesday (and then been cut off of the internet the next day and until midnight - saturday), from oscar via email - see previous post.....i emailed back immediately (before the cut-off....oh and i had got the 'usual' tard number - as in 'grey hand' with 'red stripe' across it upon my screen etc etc) - thanking him for telling me - with the hope that my siblings were now giving him the support that he needed during such a difficult time etc etc....anyway, needless to say - no answer back, from any of them, so far....and no, i haven't rung him because i know that one needs peace and quiet in order to digest what has happened (and if necessary - the sedatives/sleeping pills that doctors normally prescribe if the brain is 'racing' and sleep isn't possible - although that would be unlikely, in oscar's case etc etc) ....anyway, as i had promised oscar - regarding ed 'n' ingabot as executors-of-the-will, in relation to the ashes....i would keep an eye on things i.e. 'long distance' and have a word with ed 'n' ingabot - if they didn't comply with his and sylvia's last wishes i.e. to scatter both of their ashes upon neuchatel lake....i then had second thoughts, having belatedly realised that etc so sent him a further email - suggesting that perhaps he should re-allocate that 'duty' to RH or jacques monnier...a bit more 'reliable', let us say etc see - all i can do, is to advise from i have already stated...without money and without a can do very little, at all - to help the situation....and so best to stay out of it and wait until i get a formal invite to the funeral/cremation, through the post.....hmmm....and the likelihood of any of them managing to arrange etc etc?....a  bit like a piss-up in a brewery....gallows humour, i know but anyway....sylvia used to say that funerals were normally arranged within a week of a person dying (as a so-called GP and in relation to coroner's reports - something that the houghton family clinic, who had employed her - couldn't stomach to do, themselves)...anyway - afterwards, sylvia used to laugh about it as having been 'dress money' - she'd buy a expensive new dress etc etc....but perhaps times have changed...."it'd be a miracle, if they do manage it" donna had laughed - regarding the funeral/cremation.....and that set my mind upon other things, let us say....and that is because we are dealing with 'tards', here...ed 'n' ingabot - a bit 'hanzel and gretel' but not etc etc.....anyway, sylvia had been a potter....mrs fishwick and ingabot had both had their own kilns....oh and a little bird was to tell me stuff that i really didn't want to hear....(remember what that b'ham bournville art college pottery tutor had done with the man that she had just shot? not to mention dr craig - disposing of his wife in gardening refuse sacks - then sent to the local council incinerator etc etc oh and donna was to mention a pig farm - where it had been found out that etc etc).....not that i want to but i'll posit it, anyway.....join-the-dots-time...anyway, if we're not talking 'other side of the mirror' and what the sick 'n' the stupid 'tards' get up to then one has to say that grief can make you entertain absurdities - that have no basis in real life - let us put it that way....remember what rickson had got up to - regarding his mother 'n' oscar etc etc.....go figure:

and what's new this sunday evening, dazzlenation....ah and that would be a reference to winnie' gang - would it?

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