Tuesday 30 April 2024

 ....and what's new this wednesday morning, dazzlenation?...well, the following 'new comment', for example...bear with me upon 'this one' because quite a bit more is coming up as part of the general clump....secondly we have the following short on MUBI....with 'karen furlong' in credits....hmmm....the holliday sisters had done anagrams of 'furlong' to add to their computer system etc etc....next up we have ingabot in a yellow 'hoodie'....plus a red and white striped teeshirt (part of her 'adam ant' wardrobe)...on the 37 bus - to then gatecrash winnie 'n' her goth crew's programmiing session at that digbeth community centre.....and 'through the bathroom window', no less...."i'm not cold!" she had laughed, on the bus - with goosebumps etc etc...."i'm going to be creative!"....hmmm....and so one wonders if her mother 'inga' was using her daughter's 'gatecrash', let us say....to test out whether she had full control of the rothschild system, by that point in time....lol.....but then none of this is really 'funny', is it....anyway, roll on a few years...and sylvia had chucked out quite a few of her 'designer clothes' in a plastic bin bag on the landing....and at the bottom of it was that yellow hoodie....she then reminded me that it had been ingabot's and not hers....hmmmm....remember mcgowan and that 'leighton buzzard' knifing event at a shopping mall - all covered up etc etc....anyway, rodway then turned up and went through the bag...picked out quite a few things...including that yellow hoodie...."i'll find some use for it" she was to mutter to me....later on browne, was to tell me...."don't you think it's odd that rodway..." etc etc...to which i replied "not really"...."i'm trying to help you, honey" browne replied but wouldn't say anything else upon the matter...she simply smiled, in a rather infuriating way...anyway, i have no idea what had happened at that community centre, after ingabot had broken in....having left almost immediately - after winnie had asked her what the hell she was doing there - that is, in a very annoyed tone of voice etc etc....go figure:

and having posted the above...another two comments have turned up:
and what else, dazzlenation?...well, i can finally remember now...'winnie' had been talking about an 'adam ant' video that her 'goth' crew had been made to watch - via chip and so 'in their heads' after ingabot had gatecrashed to then etc etc....and what else?...well, another 'new comment' was to turn up quite a bit later....lol...and so one has to posit the question - what was norwegian intelligence up to, with that type of brainwashing etc etc...regarding the rothschild 'new recruits' to the system, let us say.....go figure:

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