Wednesday 3 April 2024

 ...and what's new with you, dazzlenation?...ah, it's time for a fairy story of epic dimensions....long ago and far away, rodway's dad aka 'the fat man'/scarlett's double....was to film his daughter and her best friend as 'bucks fizz' frontwomen...."don't worry - you're prettier than cheryl!" etc he stationed her along with kate golby by a makeshift cocktail bar, in a studio....oh and rodway had had to stoop - at the time, in order to be the same height as golby etc etc...'in the land of makebelieve', eh?....anyway, that rodway junior and rodway senior 'men of zion' recall number was to have repercussions for both whalley 'n' moore....oh and obama's people were to laughingly entitle the whole operation "hawaii-5-O"...additionally, remember that 'ridge' inspector?...well, he had been one of whalley's - as daldry had guessed....also part of the 'crew' upon one of the many dinghies....rented by the SAS from french intelligence (guess what they tend to use them for?) and all because the british military cannot afford a thing, nowadays....but hey, only the best for etc etc....craft that is up to 'military standards' no less...and  guess what happened next?....let me now get on with the cyprus - 'crappy' was to ask for identification, regarding etc etc....not fishing boats....more laughter...moore's craft then got torpedoed for failing to obey 'crappy's warning signal.....and what else?....."not one of them landed" replies BI online....well, there had been a question of 'basking sharks' along the way, let us say....oh and all of the gamers were on board, metaphorically speaking....watching as their particular 'craft' tried to get to 'the land of makebelieve' and land....but as i have formerly is just a 'fairy story' purely for your enjoyment - dear reader...oh and the inspiration, bizarrely enough - had come from a novel by alan hollinghurst...'the swimming pool library' - a book that whalley had banned - at warwick, late 90s - seeing as she had had a few things in mind, that she had wanted to program in - at the time, regarding etc etc.....go figure:

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