Saturday 9 March 2024

 ....and if we continue to investigate etc etc previous post....well, the following illustration is reminding me of a conversation that i had once had in the teacher's lab upon jiao tong university campus with a group of my Phd science students....and it had been all about ancient chinese mythology and how it differed from place to place etc etc....same gods and goddesses but differing stories...they had begun to talk about it, in their dorms - a new topic of conversation....anyway, they were also to tell me a couple of 'immaculate conception' stories (remember the floating tree trunk, number?)....along the lines don't really think about it - until you do etc etc.....rather like 'rockabye baby on a treetop, when the wind blows' etc etc...but that wasn't a good enough example, from the west....and so i had a quick rethink to come up with zeus and the birth of athena, goddess of war and wisdom....they were to laugh and say that was about 'right' terms of comparisons...anyway - it's only strange, after you have begun to think about it again, to the point where it becomes almost unfamiliar...oh and afterwards, one of the chinese teachers was to tell me that her friend - truly believed that she had been a tree, in a past students had emphasised that agriculture was of primary importance, within the creation and retelling of the myths...and so perhaps it is not so strange - that you have a sense of the numinous, within every rock and tree etc etc...."the divine spirit" replies BI online and therefore a floating tree trunk could etc etc...and let me - just how 'phallic' is that image?....hmmm....reminds me of the film 'gilda' i.e. the tool of the men, in her life....a bit like a gun or a knife, used in their battles to etc etc....go figure:


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