Wednesday 27 March 2024

 ....and what else, dazzlenation?...well, whalley had wanted a reminder of her 'word of the week' i.e. 'invidious' short - an apt summary of what 'master bladdy' is all previous posts....go figure:

 insid and invid, eh sue?..hmmm...'vid' is slang for 'very important disease' syndrome, according to google.

and then we have 'CVID':

....abaricia, anybody?...'avarice' in spanish....alternatively - would you care for a few more sausages, mcgowan et al?...lujuria as in 'lust' - honestly, you can have as many as you want....pereza....don't be lazy....ira - don't be'll all get what you truly's only 'fair'.....soberbia - don't be proud about any of it....i know that tards and envidia - envy, go hand in hand etc etc....oh and what about that last one....and yes, bobby's mob had used the following cartoon to program in their 'idiocy'...for example, ira means 'individual retirement account', to the tards....oh i remember now...the 'gula' number had made those tards really laugh...having re-translated it....along the lines of zulu - egula...."hur hur hur - we're all really sick!" etc etc...hmmm...what about iegula?...embedded, in, latin - gula - gluttony......go figure:

 and there's more...whalley had also wanted a reminder of the word 'uvula'....prince phillip, putting a face on uvula in the mouth of hel...remember bobby laughing about ingabot's infections etc etc...and yes, it's bobby's mob at work again...trying to control 'fairyland', let us say...and failing catastrophically, i might add....and yes, this is all rather 'cryptic' isn't it?....go figure:

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