Saturday 30 March 2024

 ....and what's new this saturday evening, dazzlenation?....more 'tardy' comments deleted....particularly disgusting ones and most certainly not worth bothering about but then they are simply disgusting zionist machines, themselves - with nothing better to do than etc etc....what a waste of space, eh?....anyway, let's get back to the hare and billet....and go back in time, to the late 60s....sophie wyss used to meet a man in there....whilst telling me to wait outside for her....and hanni having found out about 'that one' - was worried that I might realise etc etc....realise what, you might ask?...well, i still hadn't learned english properly by that point in my young life...and so 'billet' meant 'ticket' to me - something that i had then questioned the wyss about....she was to reply that it had another meaning - relating to the military.....roll on the decades and the generations....the hare and billet....basically, where 'james' had been recruited.....see previous notes upon rodway and her father - regarding 'men-of-zion' then posted to the frontline - israel etc etc...oh and let's not go near sunak 'up the backstairs' etc etc....additionally, moore's attempt at etc etc has failed, previous posts....go figure:

 and there's more:

in short, something that caitlyn had wanted to can guess 'what for':
oh and if we're still on caitlyn - guess what she used to have hidden in her clothing...jiao tong campus - shanghai 2003?.....what she used to call her 'lint'....hmmm...a soul-trapping number, let us say....actually an unstable form of polonium - as chinese intelligence were to find out....anyway, it was taken off her and disposed figure:

and if we were to go a bit further, regarding the entire clump to come up, this evening...'the dark crown', eh? 


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