Friday 22 March 2024

 .....oh and somebody had wanted a reminder of the following rather ghastly design for an 'easter rabbit'......and a little bird tells me that williamson had used it to program with at the london MOD HQ.....hmmm.....reminding me of an equally ghastly 'easter rabbit' design number in holland & barrett, this morning....anyway, if you were programmed with one - who would want to unwrap it - never mind eat it etc etc...which in turn, gives me a clue as to what rowling et al - might be up to....getting rid of the 'old guard' in la savonne.....remember what pat andrew had done in 'thorpe-le-soken', as SIS high priestess - regarding those SOE veterans who had tried to put a stop to - well, what had happened upon that MI5 russian course 1980, for starters....lest we forget etc etc...oh and i can only hope that the man-in-charge can remember the code to open those SDC special defence corps files again etc etc....go figure:

oh and gavin williamson had programmed himself in as the following....having misread the acronym to figure that it had meant 'core'...."i am the eagle - nothing happens unless i..." etc etc and well, the 'old guard' weren't having any of that, were they...puns around 'corpsing' and 'corpses' enused etc etc....go figure:

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