.....oh and that reminds me, dazzlenation....whilst cycling up the seafront, this morning - by the green....a bird - a bit 'like that' flew across my path - having startled it and another - on the green....and yes, i'd been meaning to look it up on the web....it had a large white stripe, down the middle of its back and also on its feathers....whilst mainly speckly brown-feathered, a bit like a thrush but smaller...and the one below is apparently called the 'wire bird'...go figure:
anyway, the problem with that type of search upon google...is that i had only seen it in flight...and therefore that large white stripe down the back - might not be obvious upon a stationary bird....anyway, the following pic is all a bit 'deja vu', let us say....lol....and yes, who would have thought that starlings could look like that etc etc....go figure:
additionally, look at this 'cloudflare' website - dazzlenation....remember marr coding in his gang as 'sparrows'...anyway, the bird that i had seen...was probably an unusual type of 'plover' - regarding its colouring/markings....go figure:
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