Saturday 16 March 2024

 .....and what's new this saturday evening, dazzlenation?....well, it's a mixed yes, we're still on well as 'pease pudding'.....hmmmm.....remember amadeus and his translation of the old rhyme - 'in the pot 9 days old' to 'in the pot, 9 months old' zygote slavery number?....anyway, it was the dartington college movement teacher who had first spotted the can - late 80s..."because we have the foresight"....she then used the contents to make dahl....block of wood (from the north east) rediscovered it and showed it to lisa....and last of all, toddy - having been reminded of it - was to recommend a couple of tangerines (or was it satsumas?), to stop it from 'rowling' away....hmmm....and what had he meant by 'that one' etc etc....additionally, there had been something going on in the background - helen browne laughing about sat b'hai...the mossad had given it to her, to program with....hence her '(good)bye' became 'b'hai!'....all of her slaves now imitate that pronunciation...along with sylvia's 'mmmm' number.....anyway, i told you it was a 'mixed bag'....go figure:

additionally, we have another video - which is reminding me of the colours of the frontcover of the novel that rimington had ghost-written.....see previous post....go figure:
anyway, if i care to go a bit exploring what toddy might have been hinting at....hmmm...something around the mossad and the following...oh and on the bottom of my can is J4M V8...and yes, i can finally remember now....'crappy' had said "that's me!"....go figure:
oh and the prague rothschild team were programmed with the following....i can remember lisa punning around 'gympie' and 'gimpel-the-fool':

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