Tuesday 19 March 2024

 .....and what's on the timer system, dazzlenation?...well, MI5 evans had shown an interest in the following residence...'the lost music hall'...in ipplepen - sarah holliday used to live at the anchorage....anyway, 'great ambrook house', anybody?....go figure:



and yes, the BI italian team had visited:
....anyway, i can remember evans et al....and some discussion around soap operas....lol....ambrook...ambridge....'brookie' as in 'brookside' and in relation to ingabot 'n' ed etc etc and yes, norwegian intelligence had also expressed an interest etc etc.....and then the following page came up...courtesy of evans, as far as i can remember:
anyway, evans had been particularly interested in the chairs.....seats 12 apparently...and yes, CF along with jade laing - had been in there....so many decades ago, now:

and so, let me guess....they had started off some new masonic order, there? 

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