Tuesday 26 March 2024

 .....and what else, dazzlenation?...well, i was sent another of those pointless email from O2, yesterday....i deleted it immediately after reading it...and what was it about?...well - all that it had stated was 'hello' and then gave me my mobile number....as if i didn't already know it...instead of answering any of the questions that i had previously asked their complaints department....oh and there is still no answer to any of them as yet and it has been months....and if you recall - i had started using their complaints procedure - before christmas...not a dicky bird, as yet...no reply at all....see previous notes upon 'all of that'....anyway, after having realised that i had saved another of those 'hello - here's your mobile number' emails in my inbox....i was then to click on the following - highlighted....to find a link to my blog....even though my blog had not been open in my browser, at the time...no link possible....go figure:

......and what else, dazzlenation?...well, in a very alternate dimension....once upon a time etc etc.....remember mr punch and the string of sausages....lol....no doubt, mcgowan will understand 'that one'....in relation to him having turned up at a certain 'fairy castle' with a medal to decorate the 'tard' that had committed a certain 'atrocity'.....and guess, what?...forensics were already checking the enclosed police compound yard, as mcgowan asked where etc etc.....hmmm....and so the message here?...well, anybody who tries to blind....or do anything else to hurt or harm me, along with anybody else - targeted by the sick 'n' the stupid....of that satanic cult, i might add....and well, it'll be more than 'string of sausages' next time...and yes, there's 'even worse' down the pipeline in terms of 'tards' taking out each other...more laughter...ac-cid-dental death, eh?...a CID number...all of those 'tardy' colleagues in their cars, driving into that carpark at night and over all of that 'pink piping', i might add...it took about over about 3 and a 1/4 hours for tard-to-be-decorated to etc etc....lol...and yes, the disneyworld private CCTV 'soap opera' company, is working overtime, here...disseminating the footage of the above....all very 'shocking' but in retrospect, rather amusing.....and so yes, you've got a whole load of ghosts, in your backyard - mcgowan....work it out - let's get to the heart of it all - is being a member of that satanic paedo-cannibal cult of class A drug addicts, really worth it and in any dimension?....look at the repercussions...the pied piper will have his/her day.....and over all of  those sewer rats, not to mention etc etc...and yes, trying to blind innocent citizens who are concerned about the way that the world is going....should not really deserve a royal/police medal, should it?...and yes, we all saw that so-called 'medal' upon that cctv....more laughter...how pathetic....as it goes, eh?

additionally, if you'd like a bit of really 'cryptic' stuff - dazzlenation....how about sophie fishwick and her 'cockram' cousin...regarding india and colonialism....and their ancestral family 'from up north'...and not 'minton', eh?...although in an alternate dimension - seeing as the fishwicks had put that reference in - albeit the wrong geographical etc etc....lol....mint-on and all that...anyway, we're talking about the family that mrs fishwick had come from...regarding the novel 'the house of brides' by jane cockram....anyway, sophie was to threaten me, at the time - "we're all bridies"...as in we're all about to murder who or what you most love, in order to etc etc...but then class A drug addicts will tend to stop at nothing - "parts of their brains removed" replies BI online and chipped up to the hilt, you know how it goes....anyway, see previous notes upon my earliest memories of 2 st austell road, regarding 'poppy' the half-silver-tabby, that i had loved more than anything - whilst being put through hell, in that household...to then stop 'bridie' from etc etc....for her then to pick up that cat and torture it...screaming with pain...to then break its neck etc etc....and laugh about it, in front of me...and all because i had rescued 'ed' as a baby, from the washing line...where she had pegged him up - by his clothing....electrocuted by the box, that scarlett had put by the wooden pole - attached to the wire that etc etc...and now, so many decades - later on?...well, obviously it hadn't  been worth it - trying to save 'ed' from that satanic zionist jooish cult - even though grandma clayton had given me the 'scissors' to do so, in order to pass on to etc etc....a toss-up between giving them to RH, ingabot or 'ed'.....hmmm...and what can i say but you have to try, don't you?

....and what else, dazzlenation?...well, a communique from mr 'tinkov' about russia....yes, really...something around how he cannot stand to be a 'joo', anymore....the hatred that has been elicited and in every country within the world....regarding what israel, as a whole - is up to, at present....and what can't he stand about being 'russian' and 'jooish'?...well first up - according to 'mr tinkov' - nobody in their right mind would want to live there - that is why so many opt to live in london etc etc....secondly, you can only live in london, if you are exceptionally wealthy....thirdly, in order to be that wealthy, in russia - you have to have joined their GRU zioinist joo cult of the elite oligarchs, that are currently ruling russia.....hmmm....and so if russia is ruled by zionist joos...doesn't that make it a jooish country....and with so many untapped resources - untold wealth, rather like china and the USA, perhaps....hmmm..... and so why do joos need 'israel' nowadays (no resources, whatsoever)...when the joos have already got russia etc etc...it might seem like an extremely stupid question but really....?...."why don't they immigrate there?" replies BI online...well, yes - 'aliyah' and all that - should be re-directed towards russia, surely....and so the whole WWII jooish 'only country we've got' tack - regarding israel, must be wearing a bit thin - nowadays, mustn't it?...hmmm....let's put it boldly into perspective...russia is to all intents and purposes 'jooish' nowadays....and so what's their beef, about israel etc etc..."they don't want to live in a jooish state - they create them (states) for others" replies MI1 online...and so we can say that....countries/states that are not for the 'elite' of that zionst joo core.....are suitable habitats - for those who decide to reside etc etc...normally given a wide berth - globally?.....go figure.

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