Wednesday 13 March 2024

 ....and what's andrew been up to, then - dazzlenation?...let's have a look....oh i see...hmmm...if the following is true....then it looks like a bit of a repeat cycle to me....27 years? 'new labour's win - 1997 etc etc....go figure:

hmmm....a 'near miss' perhaps....more laughter:

 ....and now for an alternate etc etc:
and well, if we're still on all things 'witchy'...the following would make a good book cover - go figure:

and yes, i can finally remember now.....daldry had wanted something that exposed etc etc in return for having cited an example of 'soul-trapping' in a ghost story by susan hill.....hmmm.....remember what 'crappy' et al, have been up to, recently?...and it's a hop, skip and a jump through the following...regarding methods of expanding spectra with unresolved structure....go figure:

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