...and what's new this friday evening, dazzlenation?...well, this is a reminder of what whalley had got up to, at the dartington college drama department 'movement' tutor 'n' partner's cottage.....hughes was also invited to that cottage.....additionally, CF and lisa, used to breeze through there...and what else?....er....something around MI5 evans in relation to what whalley did next, in that cottage...oh and caroline hughes was to laugh about the nicknames that gill had given to etc etc....tomasita...cornelia.....'tom' and 'corn' anybody?....go figure:
... we also have the following link upon the timer system - dazzlenation.....an interesting number - in relation to LGBTQ...let me see if there are any possible links between the above and etc etc with ayahuasca...."on the stove" replies BI online....well, the 'movement' tutor and partner, were lesbians....CF and lisa were definitely B/'queer'...MI5 evans had done quite a bit of research into hitler's 'gay' buddies (closet but also 'flamboyant' about their sexuality in public', let us say), murdered and apparently on his orders, in their beds - right after he had been elected...oh and according to evans - hitler wouldn't have been elected, without their help etc etc...something along those lines....lol....oh and dibbens, who later on - came out as 'gay' - having had a family beforehand (a bit oscar wilde?) might be able to add a bit more to the general context - remember his collection of nazi memorabilia, in totnes - late 80s etc etc....and let me see - gill had also been interested in the whole ayahuasca malarkey...hmmm...is that why certain reddit comments cite diabetes as having been etc etc....go figure:
and the following photo is reminding me of my students days at dartington - dazzlenation....not that any of this is a laughing matter, let us say:
and theres' more....and we're back to the hob and the hearth of that totnes/dartington cottage, dazzlenation - with the following....hmmm.....all a bit 'nursery rhyme'...."mary had a little lamb"...."peter piper - macaroni" replies BI online....oh i remember now...a yankee doodle reference...."and he called it macaroni"...a memory aid, regarding CF's visits and yes, he had been in the 'movement' group....anyway, his tutor and partner were vegetarian however they ate meat once a week....and his tutor used to make what she was to call a 'lamb pie' now and then.....additionally, she was interested in why caroline hughes was vegetarian because.....lol....well, cue emma wilcox and her dreadful puns/sexual innuendos about 'eating the meat' etc etc....anyway, the idea here - was something around the three Ps....having all of your carbs in one etc etc....pastry, pasta and potato......go figure:
macaroni cheese - daldry's all-time favourite dish and yes, he had also been a vegetarian who ate meat once a week...lol...go figure:
er....maybe it was garlic, dazzlenation?...if it tasted that strong etc etc....anyway, that document looks a bit 'forged'....lol....why strillions instead of 'scrillions' unless scrillions became strillions, later on etc etc....and yes, my sixth sense is picking up on the 'movement' tutor behind the following - dazzlenation.....hmmm.....oh and according to the following website....the word 'trillion' came into circulation around the 1920s....who knows, eh?....go figure:
...and according to wiki - french mathematicians using the word 'trillion' in the 15th century?...anyway, this isn't an academic work, where every detail has to be etc etc....and so i won't preoccupy myself with any more 'details'....anyway, it's all beside the point....unless the whole thing was put in place as a memory aid to etc etc:
hmmmm....and once again i'm hooked....i can't stop chasing it up - dazzlenation.....hmmm....rubik's cube - a possible gill reference...he loved to play with them....along with a reference to hyperinflation.....reminding me of the polish zloty.....but of course, if this had been a memory aid set by etc etc....then it would be referring to post-war germany etc etc....and if they are fishing for additional material, let us say....off on a tangent now....we have rimington 'n' toddy's contribution....in relation to a novel that rimington had put together.....published under the name of 'nicola barker' - entitled 'I am sovereign'....the action is located in conwy, wales - regarding a property sale.....something that sue and her brother, had known all about..."a potty novel" replies BI online...it's certainly that....lol....and yet what is so 'unfunny' about it all...is the inference that it will all kick off in wales, first....whatever that might mean etc etc....go figure:
....hmmm...did you supply the following comment - evans....with reference to what hitler had allegedly etc etc and if so, does that put rowling on the side of etc etc?...more laughter:
oh and the following has just cropped up, on the timer system - dazzlenation...courtesy of sue's brother, as far as i can remember:
and in relation to sue, who had formerly been an english teacher....cuts in education, a redundancy panel etc etc....go figure:
along with a bit of history....had you added the following - evans?
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