Thursday 21 March 2024

 ....and what's new this thursday evening, dazzlenation?...well, campestre had wanted a reminder of avignon....oh and something around the paonne/paon and where tomlinson used to hang out?...additionally, we have moore - wanting to use the overall map to signify 'blind you'...."where the bastards hang out" repliies BI online and of course, they always eat well.....go figure:,4.7929245,-53a,25.6y/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipOdSdfsUhDeBQwDV4__qh2AgvLdg_lRCTn2fBaw!2e10!3e12!!7i3024!8i4032!4m16!1m8!3m7!1s0x12b5eb8739bc9d07:0xe6429b6efa1d7b36!2sAvignon,+France!3b1!8m2!3d43.949317!4d4.805528!16zL20vMDloemM!3m6!1s0x12b5eb9f05273d41:0xd1029ffe823ea746!8m2!3d43.9550101!4d4.7924808!10e5!16s%2Fg%2F1td3c6gf?entry=ttu


and er...i take it that the following is supposed to be a rabbit's face...multi-coloured?...."caroline hughes"...i've never seen food this sumptuous and yet looking 'homemade' and 'experimental' in my well some platters looking like they have been coded out to the, i've got a bit more upon moore....he used to play the trumpet, at langley seniors...i can remember him giving a few blasts down the maths classrooms corridor....he appeared to think that he was on some mystical mission - to sound his trumpet at then be told that it would be the walls of 'jericho' and not etc etc....hmmmm....depends upon where you think 'jericho' is, nowadays....and a little bird tells me that it is most likely to be the kremlin....additionally, i can now remember spotting moore in the dartington 'music' degree crowd...along with lisa.....oh and he was also to turn up at the 'lost music room' in ipplepen....where he had visions of being 'david' conquering a one-eyed giant....go figure:

oh and what's that - above the LCD?
anyway, the idea was to attack the 'eye' - regarding what moore had decided to use the map for....hmmmm....'fairbrother'....who used to laugh..."because it's only fair"...whilst telling deb mcd that she had to allow all of the boys to rape her - or she would be murdered, like her sister etc etc:
le cid and not 'el cid' as rimington used to call tomlinson (remember - el cid, after his death - used to apparently be tied to his horse and sent out in front of the army, to terrify the enemy)  - who knows, eh?

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