Monday 18 March 2024

 ....and what's going on here, dazzlenation? tell me etc sixth sense is tipping me off bit of a 'broken ring'?....go figure: it time to start punning around 'frame-ups'? that is because i have very little idea of what is going on, as yet....the major action - upon my pad - at any rate....appears to concern those posing as 'mathematicians' at GCHQ....see previous notes upon MI5 malcolm - replaced by mcgowan's daughter....and in relation to the masonic symbolism of kitchen strip lighting etc etc....and yes, it has been 5 working days, now and CHP has still not i've sent them another email 'what's the problem?' etc it goes, eh?
....remember before entering the presidential etc etc....obama used to 'covertly' be the head of the NSA, let us say.....and maintained his control of etc etc during his presidency:

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