Saturday 23 March 2024

 ....oh and moore had joked about this snow plough - dazzlenation..."because that's what it's all about" relation to how much they could all put up their noses....a considerable amount of 'snow', let us say....go figure:,6.8029913,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipPjLiQZacWX8dWblAqhYW1SuRymDnswoDNAJYg0!2e10!3e12!!7i2560!8i1440!4m7!3m6!1s0x47896f1c14a3c191:0x8606c4311ffb86d5!8m2!3d45.6004303!4d6.8027725!10e5!16s%2Fg%2F11bzsd9n8x?entry=ttu

and all because prince andrew had told them "you need to kickstart my train"...and where will the money come from...let us hope that it isn't the treasury....oh and what about the could their government have allowed this to happen again...hmmm....maybe some 'collusion' there etc etc:

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