.....and what's new this thursday evening, dazzlenation?...well, i'm thinking blood-brain-barrier and in so many ways - regarding the following...hmmm...and what started me off upon the topic?....an item in the latest edition of private eye - regarding what dr carlson had found out....i.e. the bugs might have got into his patient's brain and finished him off, if they hadn't etc etc...to then see another similar item upon the BBC about tapeworm larvae in the brain etc etc....go figure:
and worst of all, apparently the eggs might be able to mutate and become cancerous....did i read that right?
anyway, apparently the 'scolex' is the head of the tapeworm, with 'hooks'...hmmm....reminds me of what sylvia had once said ingabot used to continually suffer from....infections from streptococci with 'hooks' in her throat...'strep throat' etc etc:
hmmm.....and the following is what CIA rachel had wanted a reminder of.....and yes, she had talked about ingabot et al as 'Cia-dependent-small-RNAs', let us say....oh and in a very alternate dimension - i was reminded of a 'tumbledryer' fire, at 14 st bernards road....i was very young at the time but handled it successfully, after calling the fire brigade and before they turned up - and what else?...well, the fire brigade/police/social worker etc etc who then turned up....asked more than a few questions about...firstly where sylvia had been, at the time....jenny ramsey at the houghton surgery was called but said that she only worked half a day, at that practice - on mondays and so etc etc..."no adult present" replies BI online....anyway, the upshot of it all - oscar eventually came home, having tried to confuse ingabot and myself when first contacted, on the phone..."he twisted it" replies BI online - telling them that the blonde-haired daughter was called 'emily' and the other one was 'backward', in relation to which one of his daughters had called emergency services in the first place....to then deal with it successfully - before emergency services arrived and by using 'common sense', i might add - beginning by switching the dryer off at the socket and pulling the plug out of the wall etc etc...and yes, oscar had tried to pull the wool over their eyes, that far back - regarding who was 'tardy' and who wasn't - regarding his 'daughters' etc etc...and yes, i don't know if it is common practice (worked in that particular case but might not in others) but having learned that throwing a damp teatowel over a chip pan fire -at junior school (whalley will remember the interschool competition regarding 'health and safety' in the home), in short - i had done the same with a large, sodden bath towel- somewhat squeezed out - had a job carrying it over from the sink etc etc...had to stand on a chair to throw it over the back of the etc etc...it was all very scary because the flames had begun to leap up the wall behind the dryer - whilst RH was laughing about opening a window next to it - i told him that would be stupid because etc etc....anyway, sylvia hadn't bothered to defluff it...oh and i had been forbidden to use both the washing machine and dryer - told to wash my clothes in a bucket and then hang them out to dry etc etc....anyway, the whole thing was shocking....oh and the fire brigade was to tell me that they would give me a 'commendation' for my quick thinking etc etc..."and so you're emily"..."look at my exercise books" i replied - the name on the front etc etc...oh and before that, whilst inspecting the tumbledryer one of them had said that it was probably still burning inside but that it was cooling down outside - cooler than when they had first arrived etc etc....hmmm...and in retrospect, i can only surmise that oscar 'n' inga had set the whole thing up and that ingabot had been supposed to phone the fire brigade....lol....she wasn't capable of doing much, at that age - let us put it that way...she was in her own little 'protected' world and a bit 'feral' if you know what i mean....grandpa clayton wouldn't turn his back on her..."eeh, vi - there's something wrong with that one" - he was actually frightened of her etc etc....i digress, one of the female officers had asked me if i had started my periods - seeing as i had shot up, in the 4th year etc etc...and no i hadn't...."just a child" she muttered....4 children to be exact, alone at home - after school etc etc....and the aftermath?...sylvia then had to hire in a babysitter, in the late afternoons to etc etc....hmmm...when i look back on it all - the other 3 children had reacted to that fire....as if it were wildly exciting....they had shrieked and laughed, running around the kitchen....to then get bored - go back into the living room and sit glued to the tv screen, as if nothing were going on - in the kitchen, at all....like zombies....whilst i waited at the kitchen sink as it began to fill up, in order to etc etc - after calling the fire brigade who hadn't given any advice other than to ensure the building was vacated, before they arrived....watching that large towel submerge, to then etc etc as the seconds ticked by and the flames grew higher....it was all rather traumatic and yes, i'd told the rest of them to wait outside the front of the house - but of course, they had all rudely and aggressively refused...threatening physical violence if etc etc and so i didn't have the time to etc etc...hmmm...that is what life had been like, in those days - living in that family - see previous notes upon 'all of that'.......go figure:
anyway, inga had then programmed with the following 'little prince' number...."under my hat"...regarding trying to substitute her 'ingabot' for myself..."the elephant in the living room":
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