Tuesday 12 March 2024

 ...oh and 'mah-jongg' the lemur....also deserves a mention - dazzlenation....oh and according to sylvia - cielo's family were to teach bobby's mob et al how to play mah jong whilst at the vieilley chateau - after her wedding to RH...not that i knew about any of it until much later on....additionally, oscar still has a quite a few of the photos taken, at the time - in his 'throwaway' discarded photos cardboard box, at no. 6....first time - i'd ever see them...lol...oh and in a very alternate dimension - are we talking 'miri' moore upon a 'testcard' deckchair and not 'maru'?....hmmm...daldry might also be interested in the 'war-time bunker' along with 'rab butler'....see previous post....go figure:




.....hmmm....chamberlain, butler, thatcher, cameron, johnson...oh i remember now - having been given that map clue - daldry had then started looking for 'gold'.....remember how the templars had stolen all of those gold bars from the treasury to then bury them around the country etc etc...more laughter...anyway, take those initial letters....to get CBCTJ....well, almost...a code that had been set up by the eldest taschmann....go figure:


...and then what?....hmmm....remember 'brain coning' and the 'conehead's?

oh and the eldest taschmann had dubbed CF as "dexter" the falcon....go figure:

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