Thursday 21 February 2019

and what's new upon the BBC site, this evening, then?...the world's biggest bee? on the back of Sonia fisher's 'box of bees' package - see previous notes.....let me explain...Sonia had included a 'box of frogs/bees/toads' package to scarlett's computer program, at a certain Templar castle function....lee had tried to eradicate it - unsuccessfully as it turned out....I suppose that he wasn't as good at computing, as he had supposed he was....and so the upshot is that Sonia's package then ran - instead of what lee had put in...which is why this 'bee'/bee-anchor stuff is coming out, now....anyway, Sonia's basic idea - was that the 'box' was the TV...and the BBC was the 'box of bees'....'b' being short for 'bitch' or 'bastard'....the BBC was originally a military installation, run by the MOD....designed as a 'crowd-control' project via live transmissions to networked chip etc etc....adults and children who had no idea that they had been microchipped and were being manipulated, in this way - via radio/micro-wave control....go figure:

and we're back to Indonesia, are we? anyway, I can remember having a chat with MOD/MI5 evans about the whole thing....regarding SKYTV for example....."dirty digger" replies BI ONLINE....yes, the early days of Murdoch-on-his-masonic-chair etc etc....along the lines of 'a multi-verse of devils and deep blue seas'....'we have to remember that the basic premiss was wrong (satellite control via microchip - regarding live transmissions) - rather than decide that having more choice over which 'devil' we worship is a 'good' thing' etc it goes, eh?

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