Friday, 26 June 2015


what else? I was handed a 'newspaper' of sorts on station road....a large advertisement, consisting of two pages of 'broadsheet'...for SAVERS....

remember the logo?...the V is in red...the other letters are in blue....guess what the DAFI had been hoping to do today in SAVERS?...."tomorrow - after they had jumped dr shamshad...whom they used to refer to as 'shamrock' for some reason"....oh I see - MI5 think that the DAFI are going to attempt to do the above, tomorrow and not today.

anyway, you have piz buin adverts under the SAVERS title and to the left....adverts, in which you have a woman in a white bikini, on a beach - with rocks behind her (see that colin Farrell/dolce gabana ad for the general idea)....something around dervla as the 'octopus on her rock'....


what else? in the bottom righthand corner...the british royal princes had approved her choice of LISTERINE...."you won't leave us out"....LIST-ER-IN....

and the other products upon the frontpage? rennie, anadin, colgate, daz and elnett.


so it's all 'black and white' eh gill?

or is it?

"he has more network power...and he has been sending the most terrible curses out....maiming...anything around disability...." replies BI ONLINE.

I see 'starry night'....a black sky and so many white stars....and gill gets the 'full colour version' of gaseous galaxies...and between us - we 'put it all together'....go figure....along the lines of 'she's got control of him'...."but he's doing the real damage" replies GILL ONLINE.

....and let us not forget that 'when your eyes go black - you're not really in control of yourself, are you?'....although as dibbens was to say - at some level, you always are...unless they have injected you with a drug that induces psychosis etc etc...."or you're addicted to one that causes psychosis - for example, cocaine" replies MI6 ONLINE....and your line into this one, would be something around CRACK wouldn't it?

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