The first result upon a BAISSAC search.
I remember CAROLINE saying that it was one of a child alter...she had painted it to give me a clue...she told me that the boats were SUBMARINES up those PALM TREES...this will all be about remote-viewing upon SATELLITE NETWORKS...and then those BIRDS...
Studying the above painting again...after at least 8 years...i would guess that she was telling me to 'remember the most important thing' - we knocked the DODOS off the top of their SATELLITES...our little 'subs' got in there and up there....we did the business...what else matters?
What indeed?
I am more cheerful now.
We finished off the top GREAT AUNT COLETTE and her colleagues had once done and that is all that matters.
I can remember the art was a wonderful celebrated LIFE through COLOUR...
...and it should have been a 'sad event' in a way...but it wasn't...a lovely day.
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