Tuesday, 11 February 2025

 ....and what's on the timer system this tuesday evening, dazzlenation?...one of heather laing's old favourites....the supporting actor that nobody recognised upon the streets and for so many years...despite his immense body of work etc etc....pete postlethwaite....hmmmm....a name that bobby's mob had hoped would disappear into the mists of time....coupled with an MI5 team who had been behind the tv series 'unforgotten'...."coded out" replies BI online....well, for starters...you have a sue whalley's sister lookalike 'watching the detectives - looks so cute' etc etc....lol....and then a hanna gordon number...did anybody recognise her 'in character' after so many years....appears to be playing a sort of 'jenny ramsey' type of character....although it was sylvia who had identified with her, in the first series....aired 2015....bobby's mob then chimed in - to put together a box of faked letters in sylvia's hand (their inspiration being a certain scene between whalley sister lookalike and her father - regarding her mother's letters in a large old-fashioned cardboard box)....uncle michael even stole a P.O. date stamp in order to try to make the envelopes look genuine....what more can i say but that the tards had put more thought into 'that one' then the crime-scene-dressing-gown sent to me through the post....lol......needless to say the letters were never sent...that wasn't the idea...and therefore do not have one iota of my DNA/fingerprints upon them....anyway, from the cctv - they had poured out their bile, to the delight of rodway....hmmm....and yes, we're back to that  ugly, evil, deformed pig of a woman, again - my 'stephen king' stalker etc etc...sorry but sometimes i just have to vent my spleen....more laughter...on a good day, i just feel pity for her because it is quite evident that she couldn't really help it etc etc....oh and whalley recently informed me that she had found quite a few cross-references not previously mentioned upon my blog...in short, that whole sylvia number in headmaster montgomery's ofice...."crossed lines"....hmmm....it was rodway who had been to an expensive school and had been horribly spoilt....next up...."the red mini metro had been yours - a gift"....ah, of course...the car that 'di' used to drive 'incognito' with her fringe brushed down etc etc....and that evil tard had stolen that too......anyway, i'm looking at 'closure' here now - regarding the whole thing....'unforgettable' and 'unforgotten'....supporting actors/actresses...the whole caboodle...."star quality"....who has got it and who hasn't...who wants to be a star and who doesn't....remember that pink floyd number....along with the very young CF bursting out of that cardboard box etc etc...."a star is born"...anyway, you're on 'kitsch' dazzlenation....hmmm...i'm currently watching the first series (2015) of 'unforgotten'....to then remember wishing that team-behind-it well....the italians had wondered if they should be interested, let us say....and my advice at the time was to let them develop their own culture...."novices"....who had to learn the ropes....and yes, i had figured that their plans were over-ambitious but that if they succeeded in most of what they wanted to achieve then it would all be a success...and so we have the 'grit in the oyster' that makes the pearl, let us say...kitsch with grit...gritty realism mashed into a 'fairytale' for the up and coming generations.....along with a certain re-writing of history, across the generations.....a fairytale because...let me see - for example, the police usually only take on cases when they know that they will get a conviction - due to lack of money and resources etc etc and i kept on thinking would anybody really say that - regarding a line here or there........but it didn't really matter because the acting is top-notch as well as the high production values/soundtrack etc etc..the problem with 'stars' is that every film they undertake becomes little more than a 'vehicle' for them which is not the case with etc etc...."a showcase"....exactly that - and so even though the titles/credits have so many well-known names....one wouldn't call it 'star-studded'...."serious actors/actresses"...a bit like pete postlethwaite?...'unforgotten'.......go figure:


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