Wednesday, 12 February 2025

 ....and what's new this wednesday evening, dazzlenation?...well, remember those suspect eon-next telephone numbers beginning 01443....because i've just had another reply....hmmm...when you ask a company to confirm or deny the use of certain telephone numbers - regarding a possible don't expect to be stonewalled about it now, do you.....anyway, i've asked 'tanveer' to forward on my email to somebody who does know etc etc...are the 'mossad hares' at it again etc etc....go figure:

whilst you're on 'human body parts' the ceiling?..."that's what it's all about" replies BI online....relating to those old 'ceiling cat' memes?

anyway, i've been looking at pianos for small hands, this evening and so wondered if in some misbegotten universe etc it's not really funny, now is it....remember that scene in 'sybil'...enough to put any kid off learning the piano etc etc...go figure:

and then we're back to what petrol nell had got up to...regarding the 'chapel perilous'....see previous post:

hmmm...the wyss used to talk about the young oscar 'under the piano', being the planes flew over and the bombs started to drop upon london etc etc....go figure:

anyway, all a reminder of what sylvia used to do in the doubt a victim of the same MKultra system, herself....luckily for me - i'd been spared the worst of it....only formally adopted at 5 years old...and so i'd had enough time to develop a secure sense of self, let us say...but there were others, of course - who hadn't had that advantage..."test-tube brats" replies BI online.....and that is why, to cut a long story short...rodway had deserved my pity....there but for the grace of God go I....thank God I'm not one of them etc etc....although one has to say that 'sybil' is all about a young woman who has a soul....a 'good' nature...those like rodway did not.....farmed 'genetic robots'...."reform school kids" and we have 'sir mills' to blame for all of that....although there were others - those who had given rodway that 'gill' doll to play with, for example....and so i guess we're back to 'brave new world' again - see previous notes upon 'all of that'.....go figure:

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