Friday, 14 February 2025

 .....and what's new this friday morning, dazzlenation?...well, seeing as it had been rimington's day 'with flowers', yesterday - let us is all about stella rimington, rosalind brady and richard tomlinson in relation to a st valentine's day massacre, let us say...and all rather 'cryptic' that 'diabolic trio' (of heroin addicts) which had stalked clacton, so many decades ago now...go figure:,_MRABASF_E-33)_01.jpg

just a 'needle-in-the-arm' and tomlinson was your 'slave' again, eh - rimington?

oh and rickson had laughed about a 'plunger' (er- a bit like an enema) - at any rate, relating to 'toilets' bizzarely, enough...go figure:

anyway, my flat's toilet has more than a bit of a problem when flushing, nowadays and so having reported the fault to CHP......oh and they have now fixed me up with a plumbing appointment - next thursday 8-1pm....additionally having logged onto their website beforehand - initially the only appointment that they could offer online was the 6th of march...anyway, all should now be well,...or not as the case maybe...a problem with the 'flush'....i've got to send buckets of water down it in order to make it flush until thursday 20/2...using that royal purple yes, we have military masonic symbolism and all of that in-the-mix....remember how the masons had set this flat up to be symbolic of so much etc etc....e.g. SAS captain scottie had talked about a 'toilet factory' in iran - regarding a brainwashing facility etc etc...anyway, the earliest that CHP can do the job...however if it blocks as a result of 'buckets of water' not doing the job properly instead of etc what had rimington had been worried about? - tards-at-work etc etc and in relation to another diabolical trio....nigel, gill 'n' rodway etc etc.....anyway,  back to 'toilets' - CHP emergency services should be available to do something about 'that one' and within 48 hrs...CHP do blocked toilets at short notice but not non-functional-flush toilets, for some reason etc know how it goes...regarding 'jobs'...oh and what if i sent too much toilet paper down.....and that loo became blocked, immediately - i wouldn't have to wait a week for etc etc would i?....additionally, i checked out 'checkatrade' as well - before CHP offered me next thursday's appointment - just in case....hmmm...and i've now sent an email to checkatrade - asking to unsubscribe...their service is no longer necessary...well, i would hope not etc etc....anyway, this is all about something that rimington had planned....and yes, another netting operation of sorts....regarding phil's 'wiggly line' etc etc....anyway, so long as checkatrade now deletes my details upon their system - things should be 'okay'....the problem with their service is that it might be used by those like....well, remember that bogus plumber 'lee jackson' etc etc.....see previous notes upon 'all of that'....go figure.

....'lee' at LR plumbing?

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