....additionally, dazzlenation - the holliday family had needed a reminder of kate coding in cornelia and cordelia...along the lines of cone-liar vs code-liar....along with a reference to the line "you are loved" in the movie 'me and you and everyone we know' - regarding a goldfish left on top of a car etc etc....go figure:
guess 'why'...anyway, a movie had that turned me against indie films, in general...lol....so much RA cult imagery going on etc etc...oh and listen to the soundtrack:
anyway, stenson will probably know what this is all about...regarding his ex-wife who, whilst looking rather like sue walker (whom he had dated whilst at sixth form).....then turned up in clacton new-look 'minor injuries' dept with her partner-in-crime....to then try to do as much hurt 'n' harm as she possibly could do, upon the 'body' of the system, let us say and for the mossad....go figure:
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